I don't know anything

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Author's note: 1 k views! thank you so much!! see you soon! Hope you like this chapter!

-Can I ask you something?- it was the alcohol talking instead of me.

-Lately you do a lot of questions- the model joked.

-I'm curious- I said approaching her.

-Tell me- she said.

-The other day you told me you weren't in love, at least not with Josh... that were your words- I reminded her, I don't know how I remembered that in the state I was.


-What?- I asked when I heard the appeal on my name.

-You don't want to touch that subject- she warned me, the girl was also drunk but not as much as me.

-Karlie, come on, I thought you trust me- I protested hurt, I knew this accusation was going to hurt her after what she had told me days before about Josh and her.

-I trust you Taylor- Karlie defended herself.

-Then what happen?- I asked but she didn't answer me- who are you in love with?

-It is complicated Taylor- she replied sighing.

-Karlie- somehow I knew that I was playing with fire but it didn't stifled me, I needed to know.

-Taylor we are drunk, it is not the time to have this conversation- Karlie said, she was doing her best to control herself in front of me.

-Actually I think it's the best moment- I replied laughing, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to ask her that again being sober.

-Taylor- she repeated my name and took a step closer to me, my heart raced unwillingly- don't ask me that, you had known it for days now.

-I don't know- I refused ducking my head for her gaze.

-Do you really want to know who am I in love with?- Karlie asked lifting my chin and I nodded- you know that there's not way back from that.

-I know- deep down she was right, I knew what she was going to answer but I needed to hear it to be sure, I had to many doubts flooding my heart at that time or rather since she had appeared.

-Taylor... I'm fucking in love with you- she admitted sighing, now she was the one ducking her head.

Karlie had said it, there wasn't turning back after that. She had confirmed my suspicions and my doubts had grown inside me even more. To my silence, Karlie tried to turn but reflexively when I saw her sad face I grabbed her wrist. Karlie turned again to face me. The model always knew what I was thinking and I think that was the reason why she was looking at my blue eyes so intense. She was trying to figure out what was happening in my head. I was grateful that nobody had the need to go to the bathroom and we were just us there at the time. I tried to speak but nothing seemed coming out of my mouth. I didn't know how she did it but Karlie had approached and kissed me. The model was about to break the kiss when I kissed her back. My heart went out of my chest since the moment ours lips had touched and something told me, I don't know if it was the alcohol or my brain that I had to kiss her back. When our lips parted Karlie crouched to try to read my reaction but she couldn't do it because Cara stumbled into the bathroom.

-Hello friends- she said with a silly smile when she saw us.

-Hi Cara- I said trying to calm me about what had happened.

-Cara you are too high right now- Karlie said sighing and going away from me- come here, I'll cool you a little.

I saw how Karlie helped Cara to approach the sink and threw some water on her neck. I offered to go to the bar and bring a bottle of water. Fifteen minutes later, Cara seemed to be in better status than when she entered into the bathroom. The English model took both of ours hands and dragged us to the dance floor again. There were Emma and Lena. Karlie smiled at me shyly before she danced with everyone. I thought about going to look for Selena to talk to her about what had happened with Karlie but... how could I talk to her if I didn't even know what exactly was going on?

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