39. Josh

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Our time with the girls in the city were great but all of them were busy women who needed to come back to their jobs after a few free days. Now it was only Karlie and I on New York again but I knew it wouldn't last for long. The model have to go to Europe because she was walking on the Paris Fashion Week and Madrid Fashion week a few weeks later. She would be out of the country for a while and that's the reason why she was so busy before leaving. She needed to catch with college as soon as possible so she wouldn't miss so much in Europe. She also have to go to the gym all mornings for hours, she wanted to be in the best shape for the designers. And I can forget either that she had fittings and some business with Karlie's Kookies. I was proud of her for being so busy.

It has been a couple of days since our photos on the Knicks came out and they still were all over the internet. Karlie and I didn't spoke about it. The only conversation we had about that topic was the night with the girls there. I still didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing in our relationship. I noticed she had been tense the last few days but I wanted to think it was because of the work and the nervousness for Paris and not for us. The rumors were out, there were people who thought we were dating and other people just were still dubious because we've been without public interactions for a while. I didn't care what the others thought, I just wanted to keep living my life with her no matter what.

It's been a busy week for her, I had free days after all the promo and rehearsals I've been doing lately. She has a last meetings before going to Paris one of them for her cookies company. The young girl has been gone all morning and I was really bored at my apartment so I was all over tumblr. It made the hours go faster. I was scrolling my dashboard when a photo of Josh and Karlie popped. I ignored it and kept scrolling. The same photo appeared once more time and even a their time. Why was there a stupid pic of them? Suddenly a feeling crossed my mind. It couldn't be true. I login out of Tumbrl and opened Instagram. It took me only one minute to discovered that Josh, Karlie's fake ex boyfriend, had posted a photo of the two of them with the caption ' Klossy+Kushner+Kookies :)'. Was she with him at the time? Why? I thought she was at a business meeting.

I texted her almost immediately. I wanted to know why she was with him but she didn't answered me. I wanted to call her but I didn't do anything, she was supposed to come home when she was done with her meetings so I would wait there for her. The time seemed to go slower since I had seen that photo, tumblr didn't help me this time. It was really only one hour waiting in the apartment but for me it was like an eternity. I heard the key on the door and run to the hall without thinking anything more than about that photo.

-Can you explain me why Josh has post a photo with you?- I asked being direct.

-Because I had lunch with him today- Karlie answered dropping her bag on the floor.

-Why?- I asked more confused.

-Because he is my friend Taylor- Karlie said suspiciousness in her voice.

-Your friend? It's been months since you saw him and almost a year since you broke up- I protested.

-It's not been months- she answered trying to keep her calm.

-What?- I asked more angry.

-We've been friends for years Taylor- she tied to reminded me.

-But I though you broke up with him and since then you didn't see him- I explained.

-I've seen him a couple of times since then- she admitted looking away.

-Why didn't you tell me?- I asked following her to the room.

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