35. Real Talks

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-Are you back with Karlie again?- Tree asked surprised.

-Yes- I replied sounding confident.

-Don't you think you should have told me?- Tree asked.

-I don't know, we are still fixing the mess we did last time- I explained slowly- I don't think it was a priority for me telling you.

-It's ok, don't worry about it- Tree said- I guess that one month apart it's not harmful for our plan.

-There is no plan Tree- I said seriously.

-What do you mean?- she asked confused crossing her arms.

-I mean that Karlie finally accepted a normal relationship- I answered- we don't need more plans.

-Of course you need them!- she laughed.

-What?- I asked now confused.

-You are Taylor Swift and you are dating a super model... it's not going to be easy- Tree explained- that's why we had to do it right since the first day.

-I don't understand it- I protested- I'm sick of hiding all my relationship, the only thing it got me it was a broken heart for doing that and I'm not doing it anymore, it's not fair to have a relationship under those conditions.

-Taylor I know it's not easy- Tree said.

-No! You don't know about it- I yelled and everybody around looked at me so I lowered my voice again- you don't have any idea of what it's look to live like me, under this stress is really impossible to have something healthy.

-What do you think your life would look like when they know you're dating a girl?- Tree asked.

-Not really different from now- I I remembered- there are candids of me everyday, the difference will be that Karlie will be with me.

-You are really positive- Tree laughed ironically.

-Look Tree I know that you think this is crazy but I want to do it, I don't know what will happen with my music or my fame or even the paparazzi but I know that finally Karlie and I could be happier- I explained sitting on a stool.

-What ever, it's ok, you're my boss, I can recommend things to you but it's your decision- Tree said.

-Exactly- I said firmly.

-Then... how do you want to do it?- Tree asked writing something on her phone.

-How do I want to do what?- I asked confused.

-How do you want to tell that you two are together?- Tree answered looking me into the eyes.

-I don't know- I said.

-We can do an interview in a talk show, Ellen loves you or maybe an interview for Vogue or something like that, people would love it- Tree explained and I was freaking out- maybe something more causal like you writing it on Tumbrl or an Instagram post.

-Tree, stop- I asked- I'm not doing that.

-What?- now it was her the one who wasn't understanding anything.

-I promised Karlie that we will be doing this little by little, the public part- I answered- I'm not pushing her with interviews or things like that Tree, it's too much for her.

-You know the rumors will be worst for your image- Tree reminded me.

-If Karlie taught me something the past year it's that the only thing that matters is what my friends and family think about me- I said shrugging my shoulders- I don't care about anything else.

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