46. Tokyo

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'My girl killing it!'

It was the title I wrote in the photo I uploaded in my Instagram account. It was Karlie laughing with Ellen by her side. I wasn't expecting what she hd just done, talking about us in national tv, nobody had done that for me and she did it, even with her fears. Karlie later explained me that while she was in make up with Ellen they were talking and the model couldn't stop talking about me so the host asked her again if she didn't want talk about us because she seemed happy and in that moment Karlie knew it, she was happy why hide it?

We were with Ed and Selena who were also so proud and happy for us, they knew I'd been expecting that moment for a long time. When we were backstage Portia appeared. The model tensed at the moment she saw her. I squeezed her hand a little bit and it was enough for her to go straight to Portia and apologized for what had happened in her party months ago.

-It's okay Karlie don't worry- Portia told her- I've been in your situation, I understand what you were going through.

-I'm sorry anyway Portia, I was a stupid- Karlie said again.

-Don't worry, everything it's okay you can come to our house when ever you want because what you did today was really amazing- Portia said smiling.

-Thank you- Karlie blushed like a little kid- we are going out for lunch do you want to come?

-Sure, I'm going to find Ellen wait a moment- she accepted.

-Sure- Karlie said looking at me and caught me staring- what?

-You've been amazing today- I said proudly.

-I've hurt a lot of people because I was hiding who I was and I'm trying to do things better now- she said.

-Come here- I asked with my arms open.

Ellen and Portia joined us a few minutes later and we headed out of the studio. My security were already waiting for us with the cars to take us to the restaurant. Karlie's presence in the show was already known by everyone so it wasn't weird that paparazzis where at the front door and followed us to the restaurant.

-You ready?- I asked when the car stopped.

-Are you with me?- she asked offering her hand.

-Always- I promised.

-Then I'm ready- she said smiling and opening the car's door.

We enjoyed a fantastic meal with our friends. Three couples trying to have a normal evening even if we all knew that they were waiting for us outside even if we knew that the next day everybody would be talking about us, we didn't care. We were happy.

From that moment on Karlie and I walking hand by hand on the street was something really natural for us. We tried to not to read a lot what was happening in the press even if Tree informed us about what was happening. I was starting the tour just in a couple of days so we decided to go to New York to relax and pack things that I would need. I was noticing that Karlie had been a little upset when I was talking about the future and the tour and even if she was making an effort to hide it I knew her really well, she couldn't lie to me. She was studying in the living room, sitting on the floor with Meredith on her lap and music playing on the back ground. I was going from one place to another organizing things when I stopped in front of her.

-Is something bothering you?- I asked being direct.

-No- she denied looking at her book.

-Are you sure?- I asked again sitting by her side on the floor.

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