Welcome to New York

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When I woke up next morning Karlie was no longer there. Her flight was early so by that time she should already be in Chicago. I took my phone and found hundred of notifications in it. It didn't take me longer to discover that Karlie had texted to tell me that she was safe and sound in Chicago and a few minutes later I also discovered that she was the responsable of most of my notifications. I login into Instagram and I couldn't stop smiling.

Photos uploaded by Karlie:

'Karlie Love Taylor' it was a photo I took it, Karlie was writing in the sand our names with a heart between them, it was too adorable.

'Best road trip ever'! some flowers she took it in one of our stops were on the dashboard of my car.

'Adventure of a lifetime with my girl Tay' it was with no doubt my favorite photo from the trip, Karlie was hugging me while she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I was just smiling

'Delicious stop in our trip' it was a cute photo of her with the sign of the restaurant we went our last night.

'What a view...' we were backwards to the camera looking at the ocean, it was from one of our first stops.

'Another epic stop on our trip' again it was the two of us, Karlie was hugging me from behind, she was smiling hard and I had a surprised face because the big animals resting next to us.

'Fact: Taylor is an amazing photographer' it was the photo I took with the sunset, I didn't resist to send it to her the night before.

The last photo that Karlie had posted was one of us jumping and goofing on the beach. It was from our last stop and the title of the photo was just a heart. We were almost shadows but it was a great photo. Karlie was too cute. I wished I could hug her in that moment and tell her that for me it was the best trip ever. I couldn't do it so I decided that now it would me who fill her phone with notifications while she was working.

Photos uploaded by me:

'California: just where we finish our trip! Great road trip with Kar :)' it was picture of us with the big sign of Bir Sur Park. I was clinging on one side and Karlie had managed to climb the sign I didn't know how.

'Situation on the woods' It was a very funny photo, we were looking at the sky with ours arms in jar in the middle of a giant forest.

'Beach, forest, cliffs, sand, sunsets, flowers. Best trip of my life' it was the same picture of the kiss on the cheek.

'On the way home' it was also a photo of our last stop, we were backwards, Karlie walked beside me with open arms and I was jumping and laughing.

I left the phone in the room and went down to swim. It was hot for February but that always used to happen in Los Angeles. By the time I returned to my room Selena was calling me.

-I had once a friend named Taylor- she told me as soon as I picked up the phone- she seems having changed me for Karlie Kloss.

-And I have a friend call Selena who seems having changed me by a certain Ed- I said to defend myself.

-That was a low blow- she admitted laughing on the phone.

-I'm traveling to Europe tomorrow Sel, come home this evening and we can speak- I suggested, I didn't want to leave without knowing what was happening between them and also I wanted to explain that she had not be jealous of Karlie.

-All right, I'll be there when I eat something- Selena accepted.

I lied on the bed again. After a few days so intense with Karlie I could use the company of Selena before returning to the tour in Europe and Asia. And I could finally know what was happening, I was too curious about them, I didn't want to live in the shadows if they were together. As she said, after lunchtime, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and found a smily Selena. I gave her a big hug. Selena was already using a bath suit so we went immediately to the pool and enjoy the sun. She held back her thoughts until we were in a hammock before asking.

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