18. Kloss Family

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-Go back to bed- I protested when Karlie was walking around the room.

-I can't babe- she reminded me while collecting some clothes from the ground- my flight leaves in a while and I have to made my suit case because yesterday someone distracted me all day.

-Come with me later in the jet- I asked hugging a pillow which smelled like her.

-I have to go with my family Tay, you know it- she said sighing.

-They can come with us- I smiled but I knew that wasn't so easy.

-You know as well as I know all the reasons why that's not a good idea- she said.

-I hate you- I protested looking away.

-You don't do it- Karlie said walking to sit next to me on the bed.

-I don't hate you but I would love you to lay here with me a while- I protested staring at her.

-I can't pumpkin- she said kissing me on the lips for a short time because her phone interrupted us- sorry is Kimby I have to catch it.

-Okay- I accepted.

I saw Karlie left me to go and get her phone. I did not hear the conversation because she was out in the hallway. All I could think was that Kimby was stealing her from me for the few minutes that I had with Karlie until we will see us in Los Angeles. The model smiled as he entered the room.

-What did she wanted? She will see you in an hour- I protested.

-She wanted to make sure that I was awake and she is excited by the family trip- she replied.

-Did you tell her something?- I asked curiously, I still didn't know what we were going to tell to her family.

-No- she refused and saw my sadness- but I assure you Kimby is dying to meet the great Taylor Swift.

-Don't say that- I protested again- I don't want to be there great Taylor Swift for your family.

-What do you want to be?- she asked confused caressing my belly.

-Your girl- I replied bushing.

-You're so cute- she said kissing me.

I had won her with the last answer so Karlie finished packing as quick as she could and went back to the bed with me for a few minutes. We had missed those hugs and even if we would see each others in a few hours it wasn't enough.

-I have to go Taylor- she said sighing.

-I know- I replied I couldn't hold her there anymore.

-What time are you flying to LA?- she asked getting up.

-I'll go home and pick my things and the cats and I have to call the guys for the change of plans- I explained.

-But you are coming today right?- she asked doubtful.

-Relax babe, I assure you that nobody is going to steal from me the privilege to say happy birthday to you at 00.00 today- I said hugging her.

-Thank you- she said kissing me again- stay here as long as you want but don't get late to LA.

-I promise- I said laughing.

Karlie gave me another long kiss before picking up her suitcase and I saw her leave the room. I sighed and went back to hug her pillow. I could still be a little longer in the apartment before going to my house. I packed some clothes and bikinis in a suitcase and prepared the bags for cats. That's when I had the idea, something to surprise Karlie completely. Something that she was not expecting and it would be a great birthday gift. Organize it could cost me some time and I will be later than expected in LA but I had to do it.

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