22. Sisterhood

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It had been a month since Karlie and I had that conversation with Tree about our relationship. Things were complicated, too many rules now keep our relationship but it seemed that Tree's plan was working. Karlie had been admitted to the New York University and she was about to start school. That was the reason why the model had a busy last month recording ads and doing some interviews for magazines. I hadn't be quiet to, if I wasn't with Karlie I was with my music. The last few weeks I had focused so much on the new songs from my album. I had many feelings in me to represent songs.

Our busy lives were doing that we did not see each other the same as before but I had to put up with it. Karlie called me every night and I wrote her a lot of messages during the day to see how things were going. Reducing my time with Karlie either for work or because we could not see each other so often make me spend more time with the rest of my friends.

Karlie was doing everything possible so that I did not feel uncomfortable at all with that plan. She try not to talk about the issue and whenever she could and paparazzi let her, she came to sleep at home even if she had to get up early the next morning. Everyone knew that we were still inseparable but now otherwise. We relied each other on important moments, we went out with each others friends and we talked about how much we loved each other in interviews but it was rare to see us both alone. We loved each other more than anyone could think and Karlie still made me feel special but sometimes it was inevitable have a fight.

The model went to Louisiana a few days with Derek before college started, her friend was also from there and they wanted to spend some time with their families. I was immersed in the recording of my new album and I couldn't think about going with her. Furthermore it was not a good idea given the situation. I took advantage of that situation to talk about Derek with Karlie. The boy had told me at her birthday party that he knew about us but Karlie had not spoken to him about it. Tough enough was lying to the world to lie to our friends too, it was no sense.

-I think you should told Derek about us- I said while we were lying on the couch, it was a long day in our works.

-What?- she asked looking at me.

-I understand that we have to lie and play a role for the world but I don't want to be like that with our friends Karlie- I said slowly- you know... there're friends of mine who know about it... you should tell your friends too.

-Cara knows- she said shrugging.

-You know what I mean- I said sighing.

-I don't want to talk about that- she said looking back at the tv.

-Come on babe- I said standing between her and the tv- I think it will be good to share it with your friends, it will be step by step and in the future it makes things easier.

-Taylor- she warned me.

-I'm pretty sure that Derek will understand- I assured carefully- he is your best friend and he loves you whatever happen, beside, he's also gay, no one will understand it like him, I can assure you he will understand, I'm right, I know it.

-You don't know it- she said sighing, there it was, her fears again.

-Yes Karlie, he will understand, he just want you to be happy- I said grabbing her hand- tell him.

-Wait, wait a moment- she said reading my eyes- have you talked with him?

-What? Me? No- I denied quickly, lying wasn't one of my skills.

-Taylor, don't lie to me- she asked.

-Well... maybe... perhaps...

-I can't believe it- she protested annoyed.

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