38. Knicks game

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-What do I wear to a basketball game?- I asked wrapped on a towel and looking to my closet while I was on the phone with my girl.

-Really Taylor?- she laughed immediately when she picked up the phone.

-Yes Karlie, it's important, it's my first game!- I exclaimed very seriously.

-Chose something simple- she said I could hear her rolling the eyes from her apartment.

-What are you wearing?- I asked impatiently.

-Blue jeans and black sweater- she answered quickly.

-Simple- I said thoughtfully.

-I told you- she said laughing.

-You're not helping me- I protested childishly I was still in front of the closet.

-Taylor I don't want to be late, choose something black- she said hurrying me.

-You want us to be twining! That's adorable- I said when I realized excited.

-Yeah, yeah I'm too cute, get dress now Taylor- she asked me impatiently.

-Okay- I finally accepted knowing she was losing her patience- see you in a bit.

I hung up the phone and went to my black clothes. If Karlie wanted us twining that's what she gets. I chose a black sweater and black leggings. I was running late and I knew Karlie would kill me so I fixed my hair quickly and let it be a little wavy. My phone was buzzing, I knew it was Karlie, she had to be at my door with her car waiting for me. I told her I would pick her up but she refused it, she wanted to be the one picking me because she knew I will be late for sure. I went downstairs running and exited the building, I saw the car already there.

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know you hate be waiting- I apologized as soon as I entered the car.

-You're pretty- she said looking me form head to toe.

-Thank you- I said hugging her in the safety of the car.

-We're twining- she said grinning.

-You told me to wear black- I said laughing.

-Yeah but I didn't tell you I was wearing a turtleneck- she explained- I though you will be wearing a crop top.

-Not today- I said, she was too cute in that moment and I looked at her belly- you're the one showing skin today.

-I thought it was the proper thing- she said shrugging and I stared at her trying to understand what she meant- it's a date with my girlfriend, maybe if a show a little skin you will be dying to have sex with me by the end of the night.

-Karlie- I cried out laughing.

-Don't be a babe- she said when my cheeks turned red.

-Okay okay- I accepted when I stopped laughing and touch the skin between the jeans and the sweater- I think it's already making effect on me.

-We are here- the driver said interrupting the moment and I sighed.

Karlie smiled and left a soft kiss against my neck. I looked at her sad, now all I wanted to do was being at the apartment with her. She rubbed my hand before letting it go and make herself out of the car. I followed her inside the Madison Square Garden. The game was about to start when we finally were sitting on our floor seats. The stadium was full and it looked amazing. I was glad that Karlie chose me for that new experience. She left me alone for a few minutes to get two beers. We watched the first to times of the game yelling, laughing and cheering the team up. Karlie told me the Knicks weren't exactly the best team on the NBA we they won that day. It was the break when all the cameras invaded the floor to take photos of us. Our presence wasn't be quiet.

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