Chapter 19

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              (Outfit for school)

I woke up happy but a little sad that last night Aiden,didn't ask me to be his girlfriend.

                      Who am I kidding he has never had a girlfriend ever. Maybe it is too much to have a girlfriend.

      I got ready for school and went down stairs I needed to talk to my parents about something really important.

          I went downstairs and my mom was making me a breakfast sandwich.

      "Good morning." I said happily.

         They smiled and said good morning.

             "Ugh can I talk to you guys for a sec it's really serious and important."  They looked very concern.

      "Whats wrong honey." My mom said. I felt like to cry for what I'm about to say.

"Ugh you guys knew about my moms death right." I said as a tear slipped. They nodded while both of them rubbing my back to comfort me.

                      "Uh well tomorrow is my mom birthday and I was asking......," I started breaking down.

                            "If I could go visit her tomorrow if you can get me out of school and carry me."  They nodded and started hugging me.

         Then a beep came and I wiped my eyes and went outside.

               "Hey why are you crying." He said concerned

       "Oh it's a topic about my mother." I said well try saying.

       He hushed me.

"Let me guess tomorrow is her birthday." I looked at h surprised.

             "Well yes so i won't be here tomorrow." We've been talking i didn't realize we we're almost at school.

                        "Can I come?" He said with enthusiasm . I didn't know what to say.

We weren't really close he didn't know about me although on the date he learned somethings about me.

            But this Is the only time you guys can meet her unless you guys gonna still be together in senior year.

I know that for a fact that if he ask for a relationship we we're not going to survive but we can try.

            "Oh sure I can carry you I guess she would love to meet the guy who is trying to sweep me of my feet." I said with a smirk he chuckled

              He mumbled something I didn't hear. I thought it was wait till lunch time come. I don't know.

We reached at school of course everyone was looking. I just simply part ways from him and went to my group.

                    Since I had advanced classes I only spend my mornings with them.



Lunch yay calculus got me going for a moment but I like when it's hard it gives you the push to know what it is.

                  I sat with my friends same time the bad boys came. As they came they stopped and went to the middle of the  cafiteria.

"Everybody listen up." I think Jaiden. Was his name said.

        "My boy Aiden has something to say!" Then Widen climbed up the table.

"You guys know me as a player right, but I'm going to put that a side for know for a special girl," what Is he doing.

             I thought he looked at me but when I turned around I saw Ashleigh.

                   I thought it was me he made my heart started for nothing but it was still hoping it was me.

        "Im still bad but just no more sleeping around with other girls,no more flirting with other girls,just gonna flirt with her,look at only her because I only have eyes for her."

             Both Ashleigh and Amber started shouting "I only have eyes for you too." Then they looked  at each other and they start cursing each other.

           But he continued.

"Alexis Wilfred would you be my girlfriend." Everyone gasped he never had a girlfriend.

         All the fighting stopped and Amber and Ashleigh said "her why her." When u said "me why me."in my mind I said that cause that would be awkward.

              I went to him got on the table and told him yes he hugged me and kissed me so sweet. They all awwed except for you know who.

     "You will pay for this Alexis." Ashleigh said but I don't care.


The day went by pretty fast I cried my self to sleep cause what's gonna happen tomorrow.

        I don't know if I can do it but I think I can cause Widen is gonna be right by my side.

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