Proof. (A.I.)

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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, taking note of every flaw. Your thighs were too flabby. Your stomach wasn't flat enough. You weren't pretty enough. You were just plain fat.

Angry with yourself, you scratched harshly at your stomach, hoping it would go away. You wanted to be skinny.

Tears spilled from your eyes as you criticized your body in sweatpants and a sports bra more and more.

"Babe! I'm home!" You heard Ashton call. He had been in the studio all day. But you pretended you didn't hear him. Maybe if he thought you were asleep, he wouldn't come in.

When you heard him sit down on the couch, you breathed a sigh of relief and laid on the bed you and Ashton shared. Pulling out your phone, you decided to check twitter.

Everyone agreed with the fact that you were fat. Most of the fans reminded you every day. Today was no different, if anything worse. Frustrated, you tossed your phone aside and buried your face in your pillow, sobs racketing your body.

"Y/N?" Ashton's voice spoke softly, concerned. You felt the bed dip, and he laid down next to you. You felt his calloused hand press against your lower back, and he rubbed his thumb against the skin.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong. What's bothering you?"

"How could you love me?" You managed to say into the pillow.

"What are you talking about?" Ashton seemed confused.

"How can you love me Ashton? I'm fat and ugly and just awful. You could do so much better." You sobbed.

Ashton sighed, "Have you been reading the hate?" Ashamed, you nodded.

"Baaaaaabe." Ashton cried, burying his head into your neck. "God, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, okay? I couldn't do any better than you. You are not fat. Not even pudgy. You're perfect. I love you."

His words sank into your heart, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe them.

"But-" you began, but Ashton cut you off.

"No, babe. No buts. Let me prove it to you." He insisted. Before you could speak, he gently rolled you onto your back, pressing a heated kiss to your lips and brushing a tear from your red cheeks with his thumb.

His hands reached for your bra, but his eyes drifted to the claw marks covering your stomach.

"Oh my god." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes. Ashamed, you folded your arms across your abdomen, self-conscious.

"Baby, I promise you're beautiful, okay? Don't ever do that again. Please." He begged, prying your arms away.

Then his hands returned to your bra and slipped it over your head. Then they drifted to your sweats, and he slowly started tugging them off. When cold air hit your bare skin, you shivered.

Ashton removed his shirt and jeans, revealing his boxers with a prominent bulge. His fingers looped around your panties and pulled them down to the floor. Then he discarded of his boxers too.

Ashton slowly pushed into you, moaning as you moaned. When he was all the way in, he started to move his hips, thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace.

Your hands gripped his back as he pushed in and out, gently rubbing your spot every time.

"Ashton---" you moaned as your orgasm approached.

"I know, y/n. Me too." He groaned, thrusting more. Finally it hit you, and your thighs shook as you came around him, clenching your walls.

"F-fuck." Ashton whispered. Then he scrunched his face up and his thrusting quickened.

Suddenly he stilled, releasing into you in 3 hot spurts before pulling out and collapsing next to you.

"Did I prove it?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"I think so." You nodded, grinning.

Hey the first part of mine and Reid's story is up. Read Our Teen Pregnancy Journey to stay up to date on what happens during our pregnancy and how people are reacting and treating us. It's going to be quite a journey, and we're excited. Please be supportive and don't hate :)

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