Arriving at Forks.

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*Bella's P.O.V.*

Cassie and I had been asleep during the whole plane ride a few minutes before the plane was about to land the hostess woke me up saying "Miss we are about to land you might want to wake your sister up." I smile and nod before turning to Cassie and shaking her while whispering in her ear "Cass wake up we are about to land." She begins waking up and stretches before wiping the sleep off her eyes and opening them looking straight at me smiling "Hey sis, sleep well?" I ask she nods and ask me "What about you Iz?" I nod and smile at her warmly, she is the only one who can call me Iz. After we pick our identical travel bags and not identical back packs I follow her while she goes get coffee and I know I shouldn't her drink coffee but I prefer she does it while I'm with her and not behind my back.

We are very close meaning I'm very protective about as she is with me and we trust each other with everything like codes, convos with other people and specially things we don't feel comfortable talking with our parents, we also share clothes, bags, jewelery, nail polish and the little make up we have, we don't have the same taste of fashion she has the most taste between us. As we start walking towards the reception she starts jumping up and down and pointing at a person holding a card saying 'Bella & Cassie Swan' I laugh quietly as she runs towards dad and tackles him into a hug and walk towards them carrying her travel bag along with mine. "Hey Bells. Hey Cassie." He says to us and she answers squealing "Hey Daddy." She was always a daddy's girl "Hi Dad." I say and hug him . He smiles and hugs us both before taking us to his car and did I mention he's the chief of police in Forks. For the whole ride 'home' we were talking about how life has been.

*Cassie's P.O.V.*

We finally arrived home and all get out of the car and I grab my back pack as Bella grabs hers since dad said he can take our travel bags, we go upstairs and Bella says in a low voice "Right only one bathroom." For me and her it was never a problem since we share everything we liked to share the bathroom we even used to share our bedroom but I guess that's about to change.

We finally setled in our rooms and talked a bit someone arrives making Bella and I curious and go downstairs and dad says "Bella, Cassie you two remember Billy Black right?" Bella nods hesitantly and I nod eargerly remembering the snow and mud fights Jake, Bella and I used to have and give a big hug to Billy before turning to Jake who has a smile on his face and hugging him too. "I missed you J." I giggled and he chuckles before saying "I missed you too C." And we both go inside where Bella already is, I look back towards the truck and ask "Hey Billy what is the truck for?" He smirks and answers "That my dear is yours and Bella's welcome gift." I squeal and hug him and Jake again and tightly.

Later that night after Billy and Jake left, Bella and I went to bed since we had school the next day.

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