Why did this have to happen on the first day of school?

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*Cassie P.O.V.*

I woke up at 5:00am,nervous, cold and shivering, and went straight for the shower, doing my morning routine before going to my room, get dressed and run down stairs calling out "Dad, Iz." "Dad left C. Are you ready?" Bella asks I nod and rush grabbing a piece of pancake and shoving it in my mouth before going to the truck.

"Bella hurry up we have to go please. I don't want to be late on the first day." I holler out the truck's window and hear her laugh and then see her come out of the house and sit in the car as I plugged my head phones and start to listen to music. After we arrive I get out and look around the parking lot and come across a pair of golden eyes that give me chills, good chills, I then look at the owner of those eyes face and body, finding he has gold blonde hair and lips that are so kissable, which make want to kiss them all day long not to mention he is very pale and very well dressed and looks like a model, then my eyes went back to his only to find him already looking at me just as the song 'Crazy in Love' started playing through my head phones.

'I look and stare so deep in your eyes.'

Just like our eyes are locked together like we couldn't move them away.

'I touch on you more and more every time.'

Just like I want to touch him and want to know everything about him.

In his eyes I can read happiness, suffering, want, hunger and love towards me which makes me frown in response how can he already love me if we haven't met yet? Bella steps in front of me breaking our eye contact and looks at me asking, using our twin telepathy which I heard is quite rare for twins to have, 'You have a ginormous crush on the guy you were just staring at and are trying to stare at now.' and places her hands on my shoulders not allowing me to move and filching at the contact with my cold skin, I sigh knowing there was no use it was true and we both knew it 'Yes it's just that I have this feeling that if I go running into his arms right know I will be safe forever. Plus he's just standing there looking at me like he wants me to do exactly that. I got it good right Iz?' I ask in the same way and she nods smiling mischievously making me gulp quite loudly and take off towards school as she shouts still smiling mischievously "You can run Cass but you can't hide from your own twin." I just run to the secretary panting and get my schedule before heading out for History my favorite class and sitting at the back of the class so no one can see me.

Bella and I might be twin but I was born first and because I'm a straight A's student I advanced a year so instead of being a junior like Bella I'm a senior meaning I'll graduate this year. Yay for me.

*Jasper P.O.V. (From the moment they arrived at school)*

We arrived at school quite early and I went with Edward in his Volvo since neither of us had our mate we could joke all we wanted. Emmet and Rose were going in their jeep together and Alice and Josh were going together in her BMW. After we left our cars we stayed talking about how school was boring but thankfully for Emmet, Rose and I were seniors meaning we 'graduate' this year, just then a red truck arrives carrying two human girls but one of them smells extremely well, I know immediately she's my mate, one of the girls comes out and I can see Edward is staring at her lovingly so I know that she is his mate, and  then my mate comes out and I become breath taken, her chocolate brown eyes are so captivating I can't move my eyes away and when they find mine they look me up and down and do mine on her, her long curly hair to her waist, her white blue jeans, a strap of a white top under her black sweat shirt with a white anchor in it that has one of it's sleeves falling down her shoulder, she is also wearing black and white high heel all stars and a bit of jewelery and her a tan skin and her black infinity bag before going back to her eyes.

After a few minutes of staring into each others eyes her sister steps in front of her and stares at her as if they were talking but no sound is made I look at Edward like he rest of us do and I ask him "What are they talking about? Can you read their minds?" he shakes his head and answers "No I can't read their minds it's as if they have a shield around them but I think that they have twin telepathy because look my mate just nodded and yours didn't say anything and now yours is gulping loudly." we all watch the scene with interest and see my mate runs off scared which only makes me after her and make sure she is alright but Edward's mate shouts "You can run Cass but you can't hide from your own twin." and then looks around and blushes embarrassed before also running towards the school.

"Well that was entertaining." Rose jokes and drags Emmet and I towards our history class, once we arrive at the classroom we see that the teacher isn't there yet and walk to the end of the class to our usual seats and see her there, as I'm about to sit down next to MY mate Rose sits there and smirks at me while I glare at her before sitting in the other end of the back of the classroom with Emmet next to his mate.

Emmet, Rose and I are 'Seniors' meaning we graduate this year while Edward, Alice and Josh are 'juniors' which means that they still have another year to go.

*Rosalie's P.O.V.*

I sit next to her, the beautiful mate that Jasper was blessed with, and after he sits on the other end I say to her "Hi my name is Rosalie Lillian Hale and those are Emmet Cullen, my boyfriend, and Jasper Hale, my twin brother. And you are?" and she answers smiling forcefully  "I'm Cassandra Brianna Swan. So Rose, can I call you Rose?" I nod and she continues after taking a huge breath "So Rose what's your secret?" I freeze and knowing the others did too "S...secret?" I ask stuttering "Yeah for being so beautiful and sorry for being so straight forward but you're so beautiful and no one can compete with you." she says with a shy smile and looks down with a pained and embarrassed look making me giggle amused and grab her hand and for one she doesn't gasp from the contact but I do "Cassie you're so cold." she continues to look down as if she is concentrated in something and I take this to look at Jasper who is looking at Cassie worried.

"Good Morning Class, get your books out and let's read about the southern wars." the teacher says as he enters the class I let go of her hand and she fumbles slowly in her bag and takes out the book and opens it and starts reading it as does Jasper it's funny how both of them look alike right now making me giggle and Emmet chuckle.

Since Alice, Josh, Emmet, Jasper Cassie and I have a free period we went for lunch early and I sit with the rest of the family while waiting for her "So tell us about her." Alice asks us, I smile sadly and answer "She's fine, really nice and beautiful, but in our history class she asked what my secret was and I froze and she explained it was what was my secret for being so beautiful. Plus she has a very cold skin and isn't a vampire, she has a pained look and takes big and long breaths." And as I say that she walks past our table,carrying her food, extremely pale which makes Jasper gets up "Are you alright Bree?" he asks worriedly making us laugh quietly and her blush because of his nickname for her and as she is about to answer her knees give out and she falls forward letting her food and plate shatter on the floor, we all use our vampire speed to get to her as Jasper is closest to her he catches her and picks her up bridal style as we all use our vampire hearing to see if her heart is beating only to find it beating very lowly and her breathing is irregular.

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