First full day of school.

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*Bella's P.O.V.*

I woke up today happy that my sister will be coming back to school and back home. As I arrive at school I see Cass with the Cullens, she looks pale almost like the Cullens the only difference is her tan skin her eyes are also gold which is weird, but the weirdest things is that one of the guys I think is Jasper has his arms around her and she isn't complaining and is joking with Edward and the rest of the Cullens ignoring everyone's looks so to have all her attention I say in through our telepathy link 'Excuse me missy but you have a lot of explaining to do. So get your ass here and start spilling please C.' 'Where are you I can't see you.' she answers looking around and I take my lead to get out of the truck and walk towards her when her eyes land on me I freeze in my tracks as she flashes me a grin with her like always pearly white teeth 'Looking like a freaking model Cassandra what happened to you?' I ask her and she looks down clearly embarrassed Jasper notices this and looks at me before whispering something in her ear that makes her snap her head at him before turning to blondie who is glaring at me and slapping her arm before walking to me.

"Bella I missed you sooo much you have no idea but Doctor Carlisle said I had to rest and you know how I hate hospitals so I stayed at the Cullen's place until now while he cured me." She says while hugging me tight "Can't... Breath..." I struggle to say before she breaks away and says sheepishly "Sorry Iz. You know me. By the way are you wearing my black jumper?" and raises and eyebrow making it my turn to look down embarrassed and nodding slightly. "Yes it is, it's just so warm and comfy I couldn't resist it, she was basically calling out to me like 'Bella, Bella, wear me today, it's going to be cold.' and you know me the comfiest and warmest the better. Oh and by the way do you want to go to La Push this weekend with me, Jessica, Angela, Mike, Eric, Tyler and a few more guys to the beach the guys are going to surf and we girls are going to be wrapped up in blankets and sitting in Tyler's van and eating sweets." I say and she extends her hand smiling which I already know the reason why I look around in my bag until I find it, her black and red agenda, and give it to her she fumbles with it until finding today's date and seeing if her weekend is free. "Which day?" she asks and as I'm about to answer Jessica appears and answers "Saturday. Full day." I continue looking at my sister and see her look up clearly  annoyed that someone butted in our conversation 'Who's this bimbo?' she asks me making me look at her mad 'This is my friend Cassandra. Why are you calling her bimbo? I'm the one who should be calling your blondie friend friend over there bimbo not Jessica, because unlike someone she stuck with me on the first day of school and didn't run off after some guy and act all preppy so she can hang out with the cool and weird ones. For one she cares about ME.' I shout in our mind link making her wince in pain and discomfort before she looked in me in the face, I could see tears forming in her eyes and immediately regret saying that because she stuck with me through everything since our parents divorce and mom and Phil's marriage to now moving to Forks "I'm busy this weekend... I won't be going to La Push... at least not with you..." she says trying to sound normal but failing as a few sobs come out of her mouth before she can even finish the sentence.

"Are you alright?" Angela says walking up to her and hugging her, I see Cassie visibly stiffen up before relaxing into her arms "Cassie I'm sorry, that's not what I meant " I try saying but she cuts me with venom and sadly "Sorry doesn't cut it, I stuck with you through everything, everything, remember when they put me on 6 grade instead of 5, remember how I begged them to change me back because I didn't want to leave you alone, I wouldn't dare leave your side we have always been tied to the hip but now all you care is your friends but don't worry you have yours I have mine, you don't know how that past 5 years have been hard for me, skipping school to go to the hospital, the place I hate the most in this world, for medical appointments for my medical condition which you don't know of. Oh and Isabella it's Cassandra not Cassie. Thank you Angela." and walks away leaving her agenda on the floor where it feel when I was screaming at her telepathically. "What did she mean by medical condition?" Mike asks from behind me as I look at her agenda and see that she had scheduled a twin sisters night out with dad approval, and answer "I have no idea."

*Cassie P.O.V.*

I go pack to Jasper and I's white Volvo open the passenger door and grab my black infinity bag and rush to my history class and sit at the back sulking in my seat before Jasper walks in and picks me up and sits down in my place with my on top of his legs and I nuzzle my head on his neck calming my self down immediately "Am I a bad person?" I mutter against his neck making him shiver and tighten his grip on my waist "Of course not why do you think that?" Rose says as she sit on top of Emmet's legs who is sitting in desk right next to mine I remove my head from his neck and he places his on mine as kisses it like Emmet is doing to Rose and I know it's taking everything in Rose not to pounce on him, even if the class has already started and us sitting at the back no one really pays attention to us since they were great students but I needed to concentrate however Jasper doesn't want me to concentrate "Are they trying to kill us?" I ask Rose and she answers "I don't know, but heck if we weren't at school this would be a lot steamier." I laugh along with her until the teacher says "Class you're dismissed." I get up and grab Rose's hand pulling her off Emmet and towards the door and towards Spanish class and we sit down only this time at the front of the class surprising everyone and making the guys groan and sit behind us playing with our hairs 'Oh my god I thought that girls were clingy.' I ask myself and almost jump a foot high when I hear Rose answer in my mind 'You bet when Emmet and I got together for the first time we toke down 15 or so houses. Wait how did you talk in my head? That's your gift you're a telepath.' I look at her and see she is beaming at me and I smile back. 'Let me try it with Jasper.' I tell her and she wiggles her eyebrows 'You're just jealous you can't do that with Emmet.'I tease and she pouts knowing I'm right, so I turn around and focus on Jasper and say telepathically 'Hello love.' only to see him look at me startled 'Bree?' he asks mentally and I nod happily and he smirks 'You know that I can use this link in my advantage right?'  I nod and smirk happily 'Just remember Edward can read your mind so be careful.' after that we sit quietly for the rest of the day only talking during lunch.

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