Wedding and dinner

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*Rosalie's P.O.V.*

Alice, Esme and I are waiting for Bella and Cassie to appear, "Bella, I want my strawberry juice, seriously I'm nervous, what if he doesn't love me anymore?" Cassie asks from downstairs practically crying then we hear from their room Jasper shouting "I LOVE YOU BREE, ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL." followed by a somewhat loud SMACK  and Emmet say "Dude she can hear you perfectly." then Carlisle says "It's the nerves talking Jasper. Calm down. Although the strawberry juice is a human drink." "Baby I'm home!" I hear a new voice exclaims "CARMEN PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE MY STRAWBERRY JUICE." Cassie asks shouting "Yep." the same voice, who I presume is Carmen, says followed by a squeal "I LOVE BABE." then in a normal tone "Bella didn't let me have any last night or this morning." "Well she did the right thing. You might have crossed paths with the groom, and we all know it's bad luck to see the groom before time." Carmen says.

"Finally, we've been waiting for you." I exclaim "Sorry." she says sheepishly, Esme, Alice and I rush around to get her dressed and put her make up to perfection. After an hour the guests started filing in, do it's only Cassie, Esme, Alice and I in the dressing room, once she is dressed and ready she asks us "Where is my strawberry juice?" "Cassie, honey, are you alright, vampires don't drink human drinks." Esma asks, this makes Cassie laugh "You guys... think that..." she the stops calming her self and says "My dad, mom and Phil entered with us the house, so naturally couldn't say blood, so while at the Denali's, Cami and I developed a code word for blood, strawberry juice, no one would know, I also told Bella. I thought that when I said Bella didn't let me have any last night or this morning, it was all explained. Guess not." just then someone knocks on the door, by the sent I can tell it's Charlie, "Come in dad." Cassie says, Charlie then uneasily enters the room and gaps, at the sight of his daughter, while we leave.

*Cassie's P.O.V.*

"You look dashing Cass." dad says making me smile shyly "Thanks daddy." I say smiling, "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod, I take his arm and he leads me downstairs, and as we are about walk down the isle  whisper to him fully knowing the vampires could hear me  "Don't let me fall." "Wouldn't think about it." he whispers back.

We then walk down the isle, when we arrive at the front he kisses my for head "We are gathered here to unite Cassandra Brianna Swan and Jasper Whitlock Hale in matrimony. Do you Cassandra take Jasper Hale to be your wedded husband, to stand by his side in sickness and in health, in death and in life, till death parts you?" the priest asks and I answer "I do." so he then adds "Do you Jasper take Cassandra Swan to be your wedded wife, to stand by her side in sickness and in health, in death and in life, till death part you?" "I wouldn't have it any other way, hell yeah I do." he says making me giggle "Bring the rings forward." the priest says and Cami brings the rings. "Miss Swan." the priest says calmly "Jazz, I fell in love with you the first time, I laid eyes on you. You helped me pass a lot of obstacles. You always make smile, happy and complete. I love you, now and forever." I say smiling and place the ring in his finger, then the priest says slowly, "Jasper." Jasper nods and grabs the ring, saying "Bree, when I saw you for the first time at school, I knew you were the one for me, when you passed out you had me worried sick. I love you so much that the thought of losing you makes me want to die, I know that I would never want anyone else besides you. I love you, and if we are going to be together, let's start with forever." he places the ring on my finger and the priest says happily "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." which Jasper obliges quickly, pulling my waist to him.

Jasper and I sit down and see Emmett walk to the podium and says into the microphone ""Well, I just wanted to say to my new sis, good luck, you owe me a rematch." we all laugh and Esme and Carlisle go up there and Esme says "We wanted to thank Renee and Charlie for Cassie, we have never seen Jasper this happy. They certainly we made for each other, I also noticed that while dressing up Cassie was all gloomy and sad but it all changed when she saw Jasper in the isle waiting for her. And by what I was told by my sons and husband, Jasper was the same." we smile and he pecks my lips, then mom goes up and says "I just wanted to thank Jasper, I have never in my daughter's life seen her so happy as when she is with you." I blow her a kiss and a sad smile, and finally dad goes up "Jasper, you and I have talked about this so I have not much to say besides I'm happy for both of you." he says quickly.

After dancing a bit, the girls take me upstairs and changed me, "Where are we going?" I ask them, "Surprise, by the way after you come back don't tell Bella, Edward is going to take her there for their honeymoon." Alice says making me smile and nod. We come downstairs and I instantly feel arms around my waist "Hello love." Jasper's southern accent drawls making me shiver in delight and smile "Jazz." I whisper and turn round in his arms, so I'm facing him. "You better make this night, one of the best." I whisper in his ear before escaping his arms, but her grabs my hand and pulls me back kissing me passionately.

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