Meeting the parents and cousins.

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*Cassie's P.O.V*

When we were in the lobby I was so excited to see mom again that I couldn't stop fidgeting making Jasper kiss me to which I immediately kiss back then pull apart making him groan I giggle and look into his eyes and once stop when I hear a gasp right behind me "Cassandra Brianna Swan is that really you?" mom asks I turn around slowly not to scare my mom and Phil "Mommy!" I squeal and humanly run to her open arms hugging her lightly for a vampire but strong as a human "Oh my dear you're so big and beautiful, and who is this gentleman?" she asks as I hug Phil "Mommy, Phil this is my fiance, Jasper Whitlock Hale." I say hugging his side "Fiance?" Phil asks with his eyebrow raised making me look down sheepishly and nod "Yeah Phil. Now Jazz these are my amazing mother Renée and my step father Phil Dwyer." he nods and we all go to the car.

When we arrived at moms place I was pretending to be asleep "Cassie sweetie wake up we're here." I fake yawn and snuggle closer to Jasper making everyone laugh, Jasper gets out of the car after I do, "Sweetie come on I'll show you you're room. Jasper will you be staying in the same room as Cassie?" mom questions 'Would you mind darlin?' he asks me telepathically and I answer 'No I don't mind at all it might be fun after all.' I answer and feel a wave of content inside of me and look at him happy "Yes Mrs. Dwyer, that is if you don't mind me sharing a room with your daughter." he says letting his southern accent drawl making me shiver in delight, and see him smirk at me "No not at all but if you no funny business while Phil and I are at home, when we're out you may." she says startling me.

Once I finished packing Jasper and I's stuff in the guest room, I walk to the bed where Jasper is laying down looking at me "Like what you see Jazz." I ask while crawling to him he smiles and pulls me to his lap so I'm straddling him "I love it and it's all mine for all eternity." he says and kisses me, to which I immediately reply and wrap my arms around his neck tugging on his hair making him groan lowly in pleasure, just as he is about to take my shirt off someone knocks on the door I quickly scramble off him and run to the bathroom and pretends to wash my teeth "Come in." Jasper says with a husky voice laced with his amazing southern accent, I hear the door open and Mom's voice saying "Come down stairs for tea Jasper. Ohh and where is Cassie?" I appear from the bathroom washing my teeth and try to say "Wha iz it wou need mom?" she jumps a little and scowls at me "Cassandra how many times have I told you not to scare me?" she scolds and leaves I return to the bathroom and finish washing my teeth "That was weird!" I say as Jasper laughs from the bedroom I roll my eyes and walk downstairs with him.

"Mrs. Dwyer would you mind if Bree and I went and have dinner with some cousins of mine tonight?" Jazz asks and mom nods "And mom because you and Phil are always out of the house Jazz and I will spent time with them mainly during meals okay?" she nods again and says "I just don't want to see you kids drunk or on drugs understood?" we both nods just as Phil appears at the staircase in his baseball uniform and says "Well kids it's already time for Renée and I to go so behave and see you tomorrow if you wake up early." kissing my for head and shaking Jazz's hand before heading out with mom.

"Dress your coat and come on Darlin." Jazz says pulling me towards the car that Esme rented for us "Jazz aren't you forgetting something?" I ask him, he turns around so he's facing me and kisses me before breaking away "That's what I thought." I giggle and enter the car. After an hour and a half of driving at a human speed we arrive at his cousins house "Here we are Bree." He says and helps me out of the car and to the front door where I knock, a few seconds later the door opens showing me my 18 year old best friend "Carmen." I squeal and jump into her arms "Anna." she squeals and we both start jumping up and down "What is this noise about?" an irritated female voice asks Carmen and I pull apart and look down sheepishly and mumble "Sorry." I feel arms snake around my waist and give my small tingles "Tanya, Kate,Garrett, Irina, Laurent, Eleazar and Carmen this is my mate and fiance Cassandra Brianna Swan." Jazz introduces me "You sneaky little bitch how come you didn't tell me you were engaged sooner?" Carmen says with mock rage making me giggle and slap her arm "It happened after I was transformed in the beginning of last school's year and I didn't know you lived here." I explain she smiles and hugs me again before turning to Jazz and threatening "Break her heart and I'll break you body." he nods and kisses my head as in saying 'I would never think on doing that.'

"Come in please." Kate, I think, says we do and all sit down on the couches "I'm Kate and these are Irina and Tanya my sisters in human and vampire life, those are Eleazar and Carmen who you already know their mates, Laurent who is Irina's mate and Garrett who is my mate." Kate says, I nod and we go hunting.

When we arrived home at 6:00 am I go to the kitchen and see a note saying:

'Dear Cassie and Jasper,

Phil and I already left we won't be back while you're here Phil's team left early and as did I with did behave and don't destroy the house.

Love Renée xxx.'

I laugh and head up stairs, hearing the water running I decide to surprise him so I go to the wardrobe and see the black lacy and see through lingerie and smirk mumbling "Girls." I dress it up and lay in bed reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

This night was going to rock.

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