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*Cassie P.O.V.*

Jasper and I arrived at school where the prom was being held and smiled. "I love you Jasper." I say and he smiles back saying "I love you too."

We walk inside and see everyone either drinking or dancing I smile and follow Jasper outside where we see Rose dancing with Emmet, Alice dancing with Josh and Bella attempting to dance with Edward, I pull Jasper towards the center and as a slow song starts, I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist, we all dance for a few more songs, I smell humans and freeze then we hear a squeal "OHH MY GOD YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED." someone says and walks towards Jasper and I "Jess, please don't squeal." Bella sighs from besides me, Jessica Stanley or bimbo as I call her ignores her and says "You're marrying Jasper right? When is the wedding can I go please. Are you pregnant? You must be to marry when you are 17." I look at her and then look down because it really hurt me I can't have babies now that I'm a vampire, Rose places a hand on my shoulder understanding as Jasper hugs me from the side sensing my emotions "No Jessica, I'm not pregnant. It's just that I was diagnosed with a lung tumor 5 years ago and I don't know how long I have, I love Jasper and know that if I could I would spent all my life with him. My dad already gave us his blessing, Jasper and I are going to Alaska tonight to tell my mother, I plan on living as long as possible and happy with Jasper." I say in a quiet voice before Jasper adds "We don't know who we'll invite yet but because you're Bella's friend you might be invited." she nods happily and checks him out and licks her lips I stiffen and ask in a sick sweet voice "Jessica can I speak with you in private?" she nods still looking at Jasper who shifts uncomfortably under her gaze I growl a little loudly gaining her attention "Shall we Jessica?" I ask in the same tone I asked before she nods and starts walking ahead wobbling not being accustomed to walking in heels, 'Bella honey you should really reconsider your loyalties baby sis.' I tell her telepathically 'Well she has been nice to me since the first day of school but lately she has been acting all bitchy towards me and say how Edward looks hot, how she totally wants to see how he is in bed and other things we both know should be kept quiet around the Cullens.' she tels me the same way.

When I finally reach her I grab her upper arms and push her against the wall and growl at her "Listen here bitch say one more comment about Edward to Bella, look at Jasper in a way I don't like or think anything about the Cullen guys and let me tell you Missy my dad's a cop he has guns at home. Watch what you do I don't usually give second chances so consider your self lucky Stanley." I then let go of her and see her scurry away scared.

I make my way back to my soon-to-be family and sister showing everything to Bella on the way there, when I arrive I see them all, with their backs to me, looking at Bella like she's an alien, when she sees me she envelops me in a hug saying "You're my new idol, if Jess had a tail it would have been between her legs." I laugh at the thought before showing everything to the rest. Once I finish showing them they all laugh and the girls thank me for not excluding their men.

We all make our way to home or well my soon-to-be home after leaving Bella and Edward at home well Bella's house, once inside Alice, Rosalie and Esme start pulling me towards the girl's 'special' room as the guys call it while the guys tell Carlisle what happened. "I toke liberty to pack your bag Cassie, I talked to Charlie and he let me in, it's already in the car. But are you sure that you really want to stay with your mother and step father dear? We have cousins in Alaska you could stay with them." Esme says I smile brightly at her and shake my head "Esme it's alright Jazz and I will visit your cousins and inform them of the wedding and spend some time with them but you know how mothers are always worried with their children's safety seeing you have 6 kids almost 7 with me or maybe 8 if Edward get's a move on, even if they aren't truly yours, you have taken liberty of worrying, caring, advising and protecting them even if most of the times they don't follow your rules or advices you still are a great mother." I say she smiles back at me and hugs me "Beautiful speech Cassie." Carlisle who appeared with the rest of the guys just after I begun my speech says I smile and look down "What are you doing up here, shoo of you go, out now." Alice screeches at them and they hurry away, Alice along with Esme and Rose work their magic on me.

After what seemed millenniums they were done and walked with me to the car where Jazz was already waiting in warm winter clothes. When Carlisle, Esme Jazz and I arrive at the airport and Jazz and I check in, Esme started worrying and asking if we had everything so after we assured her, she says "Behave while you're gone." as she kisses my for head, I nod and answer "Yes mom." she smiles and we set off towards the plane.

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