Waking up and meeting the rest of the family.

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*Cassie P.O.V.*

I open my eyes and get up to see everything and I mean everything, every dust particle, every single detail of every thing .

"Bree." I hear a voice, right behind me, say making me turn around faster than I'm used to and come face to face with "Jasper." I say my voice sounding like Alice's or Rose's and I like it and look into his gold eyes and see flecks of red in them and see every single detail about him that I didn't see before. "What happened? How can I see everything clearer? Why is it that I....ohhh." I start saying but understand immediately what is happening "Now why didn't I figure it out earlier?" I mumble to my self but apparently he hears "Figure what out?" He and a few voices ask in sync I look at him puzzled as he looks at me lovingly and he step a bit to his left letting me see Alice, Rose, Emmet, Josh and 3 other people there "Bree, you already know Alice, Josh, Rosalie and Emmet, the other three are Edward my adoptive brother, Carlisle and Esme my parents for all the intends and purposes. Now why did you say 'ohhh'?" He asks looking at me with those captivating eyes and as I'm about to answer Bella shouts in my mind "Where the hell are you Cassandra Brianna Swan? Do you know how worried sick I have been? Skipping school on the first day really? You have a lot of explanations to do Missy.' I wince internally and externally and grumble out loud "Bossy younger twin sister thinks that shouting in peoples heads is going to take away her anger." then answer her 'Sorry Bells I'll explain when I get home. Which before you ask will be maybe Tuesday or Wednesday can't be sure.' 'Sorry I shouted sis you know how I can't live without you.' she says sadly 'I know Iz. See you later.' I say and come back to reality only to find them all look at me "What was that about?" Esme asks walking towards me and holding my hands in hers "Umm... well my twin younger sister Bella and I share a twin telepathy bond which is quite rare and she shouted at me kind of saying I should be home and well about the 'ohhh' that was because I know that you guys are vampires." I say happily.

They all look shocked as Josh asks "How?" I look down embarrassed and say "Because I read books about vampires and have always been fascinated by your kind." "Our kind love." Jasper says in my ears as he wraps his arms around my small waist "So I was right you guys changed me. But why?" I ask looking up at him troubled "Well you see you passed out in the schools cafeteria into Jasper's arms with a faint heart beat,so Esme called Carlisle and told him to gather information about you and come home. As soon as he arrived Jasper begged him to save your life, for reasons he'll explain later, and then Jasper bit you and ejected his venom into your blood system, that all happened on Friday and today is Sunday. By the way we know about your past condition and Emmet and I talked to your father leaving out the part that you were turned into a vampire and so you know we hunt animals not humans." Rosalie says I beam at her and walk to hug her but not to tight since I know about the pros and cos of being a new born and she hugs back before Jasper pulls me away from her and towards the door but I squeak and run behind Edward and Carlisle away from the door that leads to the forest. "Darling you need to feed." Jasper says walking towards me "But the bears..." I say pouting and Emmet laughs really loudly "They're food. Don't tell me you're afraid of them." he taunts "Well if you were attacked by a bear at the age of 6 you would be. The attacked caused me a broken wrist and foot so shut up." I growl menacingly at him before stepping back and saying more calmly "Sorry Emmet I'm usually not aggressive. Promise we will keep away from the bears?" Jasper nods and takes me out the door towards the woods.

After a few dears and a shared mountain lion we head back to the house and I sigh looking down at my outfit "I need a new outfit Jazz." I tell him he chuckles and says "Just don't come back dead dead from Alice." And pecks my lips and to resume while we were hunting he told me I was his mate and told me the story of his life and I just kissed him in the end and it turned out to be a make out session, "I won't Jazz." I say and just as we enter the house Esme says "You will be living with us from now on Cassie." I beam and say "Thanks guys. By the way Alice I need a make over the mountain lion destroyed my outfit. Please don't say no." all she does is run to me and pull me up the stairs with Rose and Esme tailing us.

Thank God I'm a vampire.

*Jasper's P.O.V.*

She wasn't mad I transformed her, she didn't pity me when I told her my story, she gets along with everyone in the family I have the best mate ever. "Don't forget the 'talk' with her father Jasper." Edward taunts I glare playfully before he leaves. "So when's the wedding?" Josh asks "I haven't asked her yet Josh, but I did ask her to be my girl and she said yes so on our 2 month anniversary I'll ask her." I answer him truthfully. "How was the hunt Jasper?" Carlisle asks "It went very well she is very calm there was a human hiking and she controlled her self. I'm proud of her Carlisle. Plus she hunted her own mountain lion and shared it with me as victory prize." I answered him and we watched television while the girls were upstairs.

(A/N: sorry for Jasper's P.O.V. being small)

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