First date with a surprise.

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*Jasper P.O.V.*

I never really thought that the Chief would be so straight forward with this I thought I would have to try many times the the fact that he was the one who advised me as my mate father to do it makes me feel a bit more confident.

We arrive at a local restaurant and are taken to the table that Alice made a reservation for, I have to thank her for this later, I pull her chair out and she sits down and then I go to my seat after a few minutes we order very little food since are vampires and order water.

"So what did you and my father talk about?" She asks and I just shrug saying "Just guy things darling no need to worry." she smiles just as the waiter brings in the food and says "I hope you enjoy the food. Have a nice evening and please call us if you need anything." we nod and he leaves and I take this opportunity and get up "Are you alright Jasper?" Cassie asks me worriedly I nod and take the boxes out of my jacket and get down on one knee looking into her eyes only to find through them and her emotions happiness and anxiety so I say opening the ring box "Cassandra Brianna Swan, I fell in love with you the moment you stepped out of your and sister's truck, I knew you were my mate since the car arrived at the parking lot, while you were going through transformation I was in hell not knowing if you would wake up, Esme wouldn't let me stay home to watch over you. You own a place in my family's hearts, they would die for you as would I. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife for all eternity?" she just stares at me then the ring for a couple of minutes before squealing and pulling me by my collar to her and kisses me deeply but breaks away before I have a chance to deepen it and whispers "Jasper Whitlock Hale I would be delighted to be your wife." I smile at her and put the ring on her ring finger before picking her up and spinning her a little bit "Just don't tell the others know yet and don't think about it when Edward is around. And tell me what's on the other box Jazz." She adds i smile and set her down helping her to her seat and sit in my before opening the other box "This is inscription is what we'll be after the wedding." I say and she beams and we pretend to eat before I pay which makes her pout and take her to the car.

Once inside the car she asks still pouting "Why didn't you let me pay?" I smile at her and answer "Well it was part of the proposal. Oh and by the way your father gave us your blessing." "He knew you were proposing?" she asks smiling "Yeah he did. Hunt?" I answer and question her back she nods and I park the car near the tree lines and get out of the car walking in vampire speed to her side and help her out. "Deers or mountain lions?" She asks "Mountain lions your eyes are pitch black and I bet mine are also." I answer and she giggles while grabbing my hand and leading me to where the mountain lions were, she let's go of my hand positioning herself and pounces on the alpha lion biting his jugular straight away and I do the same with another lion and after a few lions we go back to car and I take her home.

I walk her to the door and kiss her passionately and she kisses back with the same intensity which results on me pinning her to the wall and her legs around my waist we didn't even register the door opening only stop kissing when someone clears their throat "D-dad." Bree stutters and I gently put her down "I'm going to guess you said yes Cassie." The chief says and she beams "Thank you for giving us your blessing daddy." she then says "Say good night to your fiance and go up stairs to your sisters room she's there waiting for you oh and you best tell her." he orders and she obeys giving me a kiss which I deepen a little and when we break away she says "Night Jazz." and I reply "Night Bree." she kisses her dad on the cheek and disappears inside the house and I shake hands with him saying "Thank you Sir." he nods and I drive away.

*Cassie P.O.V.*

"So how was your date sis?" Bella asks as soon as I enter her room with my pj's on and lay beside her "Promise not to get mad?" I ask her she nods suspiciously I sigh and show her the ring "He proposed?" she asks and I nod "I know it's soon but you'll understand in a few days." she smiles lays looking at me "Are you going tomorrow to the field trip?" she asks me and I nod saying "Duh and miss a day with you?" "What about Jasper?" she asks raising an eyebrow "I'll go with you on the bus and he'll meet us when we arrive at the place. By the way want to come with us to school?" I say and she nod and she falls asleep but I didn't so I started braiding her hair.

*Esme P.O.V.*

Jasper entered the living room looking smug and I rushed to him and said "Maybe she'll say yes in a few years Jasper keep strong." he hugs and nods back before going up to his room.

"I was so sure she would say yes. I'm so stupid." Rose says sadly from the love seat with Emmet, we all sigh knowing that this was really important this was for Jasper.

What could have gone wrong with the proposal?

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