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*Cassie's P.O.V.*

I slept at dad's, but I woke up no pregnant woman would want to wake up, with bed wet knowing this could only mean one thing I start hyperventilating but soon scream when a big contraction comes, suddenly I have a frantic father and sister running in, "What's wrong Squirt?" dad asks opening the window, 'Bells the baby is coming.' I tell Bella through our twin  link and she gasps quickly grabbing my phone and scrolling through the contacts "Hello?" dad says in a sarcastic tone and Bella fans my face as another contraction hits and I scream.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

Jasper quickly picks up the phone and says "Good Morning my love." I roll my eyes and continue fanning Cassie's face and say "Jasper it's not Cassie, it's Bella, we have a situation over here, so get your ass here and take her to Carlisle?" "Why what's wrong?" he asks and I turn the phone towards Cassie just as she screams and pants before placing it back on my ear, "Got it?" I ask humorlessly and he replies with a "I'll be right over." and hangs up, I place the phone down and sigh.

*Cassie's P.O.V.*

I soon hear a car pull up and a knock on the door, dad leaves to go open it, then footsteps are heard and the door opens and dad appears with Jasper, "I'm gonna take her to Carlisle, the baby is coming."  he tells my dad who nods and says "Go as fast as you can." Jasper nods and pics me up, I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me bridal style down the stairs and into the car, he there lays me in the back seat and get's in the drivers, speeding through town, quickly we reach the Main House and Jasper get me out and speeds to Carlisle office where a delivery table, she lays me there and calls for Carlisle.

"Okay since we don't know how this is possible we decided to go with normal birth any objections?" I glare at him and he seems to get the message because he gets to work, Th contractions start coming closer together and soon enough Carlisle says "Its time know." I nod and Jasper grabs my hand, and rubs his thumb in a circular soothing motion.

"Push." Carlisle has been saying that word one too many times know and it's starting to annoy me now, but still I push and finally a wail is heard in the house. "It's a girl." He says cleaning her up and giving her to Jasper, "What shall we name her love?" Jasper asks me and I say "Juliane Lily Swan Withlock Hale." he smiles and says kissing her head "It suits her." I smile and he tries to hand her to me but I politely decline "Why don't you want to hold your daughter?" Esme asks walking in with Rose, Em, Alice, Josh and Eddy behind her, "Now that she's out I have to feed for myself I'm starving plus she has a heartbeat so I would prefer hunting before holding my daughter." Alice and Rose nod, pull me to my feet take me to my house dress me and take me hunting.

Once it's nightfall we race back me being first to find Juliane asleep in Jasper's arms.

A/N: Hi guys how are you?

First things first 49.1k reads you guys are truly the best, second thing, I do plan on continuing this story but I also making Juliane's own love story, I'll post it up later.

Love you all xx

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