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*Cassie's P.O.V.*

I woke up to the smell of bacon and quickly get up and dressed and speed downstairs and into the kitchen, "Morning Cassie." Esme says smiling and I smile back saying "Morning Esme." she hands me the plate and I wolf it all down as someone hugs my waist. "This baby is growing too fast love it might kill you." I him sigh from behind me and growl "I am not losing my baby he or she deserves to be born and be happy so grow a pair and act like the man you are." he nods and kisses me deeply,

Bella soon arrives with Edward but I grab her and take her with me back to dad's, "Dad?" I ask as soon as I set a foot inside the house, "In the kitchen!" I hear him say from the kitchen and walk there with Bella "Hey Da." I smile and hug him, he smiles and hugs back "Hey pumpkin, what are you doing here?" he asks and I say "I have something to tell you." he suddenly stops what he's doing and stares at me "What is it?" he ask worriedly and I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear "I'm pregnant." he stares at me for a few seconds before smiling huge and hugging me again "Congrats you better tell your mother you know how she gets. She's still at the hotel." he says and I nod.

"Are you sure you want to tell mom?" Bella asks and I nod for the fiftieth time as knock on the door "Yes Bella." suddenly the door opens and mom appears "Hello girls is there something you need?" she asks looking quite flushed, I hear her heart beat fast and smell her excitement  and Phil's "I just wanted to give some news but we can come back later." Bella says covering for me and I nod, mom shakes her head and says smiling "Nonsense tell me please." I sigh and say "Mom I'm pregnant." Her smile turn to a frown then to a scowl then to a glare "Your pregnant at 17 you should be ashamed, no daughter of mine, married or not, get's pregnant at the age of 17 if they do that's because they're whores and fool around with everyone! You disgust me get out of my sight and never speak to me again!" She spits out and heads back inside, I stand there looking at her astonished and crying, "Hey sis, don't cry you know you aren't a whore." Bella says hugging me and I nod saying "If she doesn't want to be in the baby's life then she won't be, he or she has a wonderful family  they don't need a cow like her as a grandmother they have Esme who is the best motherly figure ever." she nods laughs and we drive calmly back home.

//Hey guys it's me again so sorry for the long delay but I have been with  a writers block and I'm sorry for this chapter being short. but what do you think about Renee's actions were they good or bad? Comment bellow what you think.

Love you all

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