Going back home

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*Cassie's P.O.V.*

We finally came back to Forks, at nightfall, but something felt off about me, I was craving more and more blood, Jasper thought it was weird but didn't touch the subject.

The weeding was in a week and I couldn't be more excited. Once we set foot inside the house I hear two people squeal and running towards me and pulling me towards the living room but Jasper growled at them making them pout and walk ahead, "That wasn't nice, you've had me all for yourself for a week, they haven't, I miss..." I start saying but he pushes me against the car and kisses me passionately, "GET YOUR ASSES UP HERE GUYS! STOP MAKING OUT IN THE GARAGE!" Emmett shouts making me giggle and Jasper groan "Family calls Jazz." I whisper and start walking upstairs,"You're not walking away from me that easily love." Jazz growls and picks me up, making me squeal and walks slowly to the living room "Welcome back sis." Bella says "Oh my god you're here. I've missed you baby sis." I say and get out of his arms but he growls again pulling me tight against him.

"Sorry he was like this when Alice and Rose came to get me. I've missed you and I really wish that I was able to hug you" I say sighing "Well he only has to wait one more week before he has you all to yourself for a month or two.But none the less did you have fun?" Esme asks and I eagerly nod and smile "Loads of fun." Jasper says smirking making me hide my face in his neck embarrassed "We barely left the house since Renee and Phil left the day we arrived, so we only left the house to hunt." I explain "Oh my god is the house intact Anna?" Bella asks and I nod "Intact. Well besides the bed, but we replaced it." Jasper says. "Well at least you had fun." Carlisle says while wrapping his arms around Esme's waist.

Everyone went hunting but because Jasper and I went hunting yesterday, so we could survive the plane ride, we stayed home with Bella, Edward and Jasper. "I think we should take you home." Edward says "NO!!!!! I want to stay with Jasper!!!!" I say and hug Jasper closely, they all laugh but Bella yawns and starts closing her eyes, "Iz, do you to go home and sleep?" I ask her leaning into Jasper, she nods and Edward picks her up taking her to his car while Jasper and I walk to our car. "Will you be in my room Jazz?" I ask him, he nods straight away and smiles at me.

"Dad, I'm home and I need help with Bella. She fell asleep at the Cullens house." I call out as soon as I enter the door "Cassie, Jasper. Welcome back. Where is Bella?" Dad says and I point out to the car, and giggle at his open mouth when he sees it. He quickly picks Bella up and takes her to her room, before taking my bags and kissing my head, while I'm sitting on the bed under the covers. "Good night kiddo." he says and I giggle "Night daddy." "Wow, you're really close with him aren't you?" Jasper asks from the window, I smile and motion him closer, he crawls to me and pecks me. "I've always been daddy's girl, Jazz, make sure to remember that." I whisper and he nods.

*Esme's P.O.V.*

We came back from hunting to see Edward in the living room, "How are they? Where is Jasper?" Rose asks "Bella fell asleep in the car and Charlie toke her to her bed, Cassie is in her house and Jasper is with her." he answers I smile and sit down, but then I remember "Did anyone else notice that Cassie was kind of glowing?" I ask and Alice says "Yeah I did. It was weird but beautiful." "What is?" Jasper asks while entering the living room "Cassie, didn't you see that she was glowing brother?" Josh asks him "Bree was glowing? I didn't see anything." Jasper says sitting on the couch .

Soon enough it's lunch time and the front door opens and I hear Cassie say "Bella come on. I'm cooking bacon, eggs and rice, and for dessert chocolate and vanilla ice cream with cream." "Anna, that's too much for me." Bella whines "Sit down, shut up, and let me cook." Cassie says in the calmest voice ever and Bella obeys quickly. Cassie quickly cooks and serves two plates "Umm sis I'm the only human here." Bella says calmly "Shh. I'm hungry too and I don't want to go hunting and just to remember what the taste is." Cassie said and they both dig in "Mmm, sis you haven't lost you're touch. This is delicious." Bella says moaning a bit "You think?" Cassie asks looking at her finished plate and Bella nods.

Everyone else enters and Rose screeches "Cassie why on earth are eating ice cream?" and takes the bowl of ice cream from her, Cassie looks up at Rose and starts crying human tears and wailing loudly surprising us all and causing Jasper to run to her side cradling her in his arms "Rose I think you should give Cassie her ice cream." Emmett says hugging Rose's waist "But she's a vampire. She can't eat normal food yet she is." Rose screeches again. "ANNA." Bella calls out from upstairs  and runs at a human speed to the living room "Oh sis." she whispers and hugs Cassie pulling her away "Let's go home." she adds pulling Cassie away.

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