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(A/N: Bella will find out now about vampires, the story won't be exactly as it is in the books.)

*Cassie's P.O.V.*

Bella woke up and I sent her to the bathroom and got dressed my self with Black jeans, a blue and black shirt a black leather jacket and my black boots as for accessories I add silver diamond earrings and a big silver bracelet to the engagement ring an the bracelet and place my phone with the black case with white letters saying 'I woke up like this.' in my back bag and go down stairs to see dad and Jasper talking in the kitchen "Jasper what are you doing here in my kitchen?" I ask while walking towards him and kissing him "Talking to your father about our wedding and by the way love will you go to prom with me?" He answers and I nod happily just as Bella questions "When's the wedding?" while entering the kitchen "With luck in July the 15th." Jasper says hugging my waist "Are you ready to go Bella?" he adds and she nods as both me and her kiss dad on each his cheeks and walk out the door.

"Is this your car Jasper?" Bella asks gaping at Jasper and I's Volvo "Actually Bella it's also Bree's car. Now would you please get in the car we need to go to school." Jasper answers and I giggle. As we all drive to school Jasper grabs my hand and places it under his intertwining our fingers "Oh and Jasper make my sister cry one time it is and I'll kill you personally." Bella says as we arrive at school all of us get out of the car and Mike run towards Bella and I and asks "Bella may I talk to you please?" She nod and they go to bus number 1 while Jasper and I walk to where Josh, Alice, Rosalie, Emmet and Edward are waiting "Why did you say no Cassandra Brianna Swan do you know how sad he was when he arrived home? Or how it broke us all to see..." Rose starts but stops when I show my left hand where the wedding ring and the bracelet are placed "Rosie!" I say "AHH!" Alice and Rose squeal and Alice says "Can I plan the wedding?" and then Rose says "And can I help you with the dress please?" I giggle and nod at both and then say "Edward, Josh and Emmet you are in charge of giving Jasper the best bachelor party. Alice the wedding is on the the 15th of July can you work with that? Rose tomorrow when Bella is going to La Push we'll go shop. And Esme and Carlisle chose the destination for the honeymoon." they all nod.

I feel Bella's eyes on us I turn to look at her frown at the questioning looking she is giving the Cullens and me then ask her through our twin link 'Bella what's wrong?' she doesn't say anything for a few more seconds but gasps and answers 'Vampire. You guys are freaking vampires. Cassandra Brianna Swan come here and board the bus and start explaining.' I nod and tell them "Guys I have to go Bella is waiting for me." "But I thought you were going with me and Alice then we could plan the wedding in advance." Rose whines but I look at her then back at Bella "I can't, Bella is waiting for me and you don't want to see her mad. Sorry but we can text" I apologize and kiss Jasper "See you at wherever we are going." I add and human run to the bus giving my permission form and board the bus, as I walk towards Bella, who is at the back, I see Mike Newton nagging my sister so I walk up to him and say "Mike you're in my seat." "Sorry Cassie but I'm with Bella here so you can just sit anywhere else." he says to me then turn to Bella and asks "Will you go to Prom with me?" I answer before Bella can "No she won't go with you she is going with Edward Cullen, now get off my seat before you end up on the floor with a broken nose." he laughs along with his friends and teases me.

Annoyed with him I grab his collar and pull him up and say looking straight into his eyes and hiss "Stay away from Bella and I or you will suffer severe consequences Newton." and punch his nose knowing I broke it because of the satisfying CRACK sound that was heard and the amount of blood that was pouring out of it. The professor takes him and him jock friends out of the bus and on top of it they can't go on the field trip and then we finally leave.

"So the Cullens and you are vampires?" Bella questions and because the bus is only full at the front I sigh and answer "Yes Iz, but we don't hunt humans we think of ourselves as vegetarians since we only hunt animals I was only transformed into one early because of my lung tumor, I was diagnosed with it at the age of 12 and on the first day of school I passed out in Jasper's arms and he toke me to his house and transformed me, I woke up as a vampire on Sunday but I had to control my thirst. I'm only engaged to Jasper because I'm his soulmate and he's mine, plus if I was a human I would possibly die in April, so we are marrying in July and I will be living with Jasper in his house. Don't tell Edward I told you but you're Edward's soulmate and he's yours." she smiles and nods.

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