Chapter 10 : Two weeks before Graduation

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Chikara's POV

I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I believe Commander Hamilton of the EMP's wants a cook off to take place between John and Jessica? I really don't see why this is helpful for killing aliens, but whatever the commander says, goes. I'll bet on Jessica, for winning though. If it's one thing the girl can do, it's cook. "Ready to lose, John?" She asks. "No, are you?" He asks. She laughs histerically. "As if you even stand a chance against all this!" She says. Jessica hunts with Reynold and Kevin. John goes with Anne and Alex. They head into the forest to search for meat. That's right, actual meat. Meat has been so rare for the past few years, the commander is sure to pick her as the winner.

Alex's POV
In the forest

So I guess Anne and I are supposed to be helping John find colossal boar meat... "Uh, John? Don't you think you should practice your cooking technique before hunting the boar?" I ask. "What? No! We need to search for the boar now, before Jessica captures it." He says. "I don't understand the point of this stupid exercise. Does the Commander just want us to make him dinner?" Asks Anne. "I think we just need to work together as a team, maybe that's the point." I say. We ride our horses around in circles in the forest. "John, I swear we've passed this tree before, at least twice." I say. "Would you just shut up, I know what I'm doing!" He shouts. In the distance, I hear Jessica's team.

Jessica's POV

"Now, in order to find the boar, we need to accurately track down its movements." Says Reynold. "Dude, hunting is my speciality, leave it all to me." I say. I spot boar feces in the corner of my eye. "'s huge." Says Kevin. I poke at it with a stick. "And fresh, too." I say. "Okay, you guys just got lucky. But it'll take hours, maybe longer before we find the - "Boar! There it is!" I shout. I run after it and aim my arrow. "Careful, Jess!" Shouts Kevin. I stand on a tree limb, and shoot all twelve arrows at it. It stops and slams into a tree. "And that's how it's done!" I say.

Alex's POV

"Guys, I just realized that we've been passing this tree dozens of times! Why didn't anyone say anything!?" Shouts John. I frown at John and shake my head. Really? "It looks like Jessica's team caught the boar. I'm out." Says Anne. She gets on her horse and rides away. There's just something about's like, perhaps she cares more than she lets on? I think I'm starting to develop affection for her, but I'll have to try and push it aside. It has been five years, but you never know when the aliens could come back and kill your friends...

John's POV

I'm sitting in the dining hall, trying to figure out what to cook. I don't have much. Food has been scarce, even here. The potatoes, bread and soup are for lunch and dinner, for the cadets. Think : food, cooking, eating. It reminds me of my mother. When I was younger, she'd cook omletes, my favorite. "John Phillips! You have a visitor!" Shouts an instructor. A visitor? For me? They open the door. "John - boy! You've gotten so big! Why don't you ever visit me?" Asks my mother, trying to pinch my cheeks. "Get away from me, you old hag!" I shout. "Still as hot tempered as always. I brought you something!" She says. "Mom, get out, now!" I shout. She's really embarrassing me. "Okay, okay I won't be long. I just thought I'd bring you your favorite, omletes!" She says. "No! Leave! Right, now!" I yell, pushing her out. I slam the door. I then get back to my seat. Everyone stares at me. My reputation is officially ruined! "John, you should really be nicer to your mother." Says Kolbe. "Shut up! My mother is none of your business!" I say. Kolbe shrugs and walks away. That's right bud, back off.

There should be some food in the storage department in the basement. I find Anne and Alex. "Hey, guys. Will you help me find some food in the storage department in the basement?" I ask. "Sure, whatever." Says Anne. "And you, Alex?" I ask. "Me? Steal food? I couldn't, possibly. No. I've always been slow and awkward, it just wouldn't work out!" Shouts Alex, running away. "Wait, Alex, don't freak out on me!" I say. He tries to run up the stairs, but hits his shin hard against it. "Ahhhhh!!! owwww!!!!" He screams. "Shhh! Alex, you okay?" I ask. "No, not really!" He says, holding his shin.

A few minutes Later

"Hold still, Alex." Says Anne, while bandaging his shin. "Thank you, Anne. Sorry, John but I'm afraid that with this battered body, I won't be able to help you steal the food." Says Alex. "Whatever, dude. You know if you didn't want to help me, you could've just said so instead of hurting yourself." I say. "I'm out too." Says Anne. "What? Why?" Ask. "If I get caught, it'll ruin my record and jeopardize my chances of getting into the EMR's." Says Anne. She exits the room. I sigh. Fine, I'll just do it myself.

I walk down the long, dark candle lit hallway. Dang it. I'm stopped by one of the instructors. "What are you doing down here, John?" He asks. "Oh, I uh, I'm looking for the bathroom." I say. "Down the hall, to the right." He says. "Oh, yeah and your mom told me to give this to you." He says, hading me the bag with the omelet. Perfect! I step outside and open the bag. Mom. You took your time to make this. And came all the way here to give it to me. And I treated you like crap. I'm so sorry... MOM!!!

The Cook Off!

The cook off takes place in the large auditorium, where we'll be graduating. All the cadets stand before the stage. Commander Hamilton sits at the center of the large stage. In front of him is a small table and some silverware. "First up, Jessica Nicksfield!" He shouts. Jessica comes up and serves her plate. She uncovers it. Underneath the lid, is smoke. Underneath the smoke, is the succulent boar meat. "Meat!? She cooked meat?" Ask a few instructors. "Meat has been so rare!" They murmur. Hamilton tries it and then drops his fork. He stay will for a few minutes. "He's not moving! He must be paralyzed with delight!" Shouts Jessica. He takes a sip of his wine. He then devours the rest of the meat. "That was... Delicious!" He says. Jessica and her teammates jump for joy. "I'll win for sure!" She says. "Next up, John Phillips!" Says Hamilton. I place my omelet on the table. "Aw, look at this adorable little fella." Says Hamilton. "Please sir, just taste it." I say. The commander eats the omelet. "That was good." He says. I nod. I definitely don't expect to win. "The winner is..." Says Hamilton. After a few brief moments of silence, he makes his decision. "John Phillips!" He shouts. "Ohhh yeahhh!" I shout. "Go, John!" Shouts Alex. I leap for victory. "What!!!!?????" Asks Jessica. "There's gotta be some sort of mistake, sir! I marinated the meat in onions, garlic, soy! I hunted it myself! How could an omelet win over my meat!?" She asks, pleading and crying with Hamilton. "Yes, it was flavorful. But do you know what meat is?" He asks. "..wh- what?" Asks Jessica. She cries and begs for a rematch. "PLEASE!!!" she shouts. "Hey, Jessica." I say. She turns to face me. "What do you want?" She asks. I hold out my hand. "Good game." I say. She sniffles and takes my hand.

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