About the Characters (Sam Dunnel, John Phillips & Jessica Nicksfield)

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Name Sam
Biological Information
Gender Male
Height 5'7
Weight 141 lbs
Species Human
Status Alive


Sam has a short crop of spiky grey-colored hair and light brown eyes. He wears the normal uniform of the 111th Trainees with a black shirt underneath.


Sam is constantly terrified, regardless of the situation he has an ever present fear of something bad soon to happen, and when it does happen he loses complete control and often complies with dying by sword over facing Aliens again. He is not a confident soldier or physically strong as he was unable to complete mountain training when someone as petite as Kristen Ross was.


He is an unexceptional member of the 104th, but skilled (or lucky) enough to have survived multiple encounters with Aliens.
Sam's Statistics :


John Phillips

Biological Information
Gender Male
Age 17
Birthday April 7th
Height 5'9
Weight 171 lbs
Ms. Phillips (Mother)
Affiliation EMS
Former Affiliation 111th EM Trainees
Grad Rank 6th
Species Human
Status Alive


John has short, light ash-brown hair with his sides and back trimmed shorter and of a darker hue. He has small, intense light-brown eyes, and is said to have the same vicious look in them as Kolbe does. John is of average height and build, and has a scowl similar to Kolbe's but is said to have a long face (a "horse face"). He is often seen wearing the typical uniform of the EM trainees worn with an olive grey button-up shirt.
His casual attire mostly consists of a white button-up shirt, dark pants, and a dark-brown vest. When concealing his identity, he also fashions a cloak and fedora.


John is a very honest person. He holds no restraint when it comes to speaking his mind, even when he knows it would not be wise to do so or when it could spark conflict. John is also pragmatic: he has a strong aversion to exposing himself to dangerous situations, and has openly admitted his desire to join the Military Police is due to wanting an easy and safe life.
During his time as a trainee, John was extremely hot-headed, easily becoming frustrated and quick to resort to violence when pushed. John was also very cynical about defeating the Aliens, believing that humanity has no chance against them. He openly mocked more idealistic individuals like Kolbe, and saw resisting the Aliens as a hopeless cause.

Despite his shortcomings, Allen describes John as a natural leader, being able to understand others and assess situations well because of his flaws. Indeed, during the Battle at the supply depot, John proves capable of leading his fellow soldiers when they are left confused and leaderless. Although he presents himself as self-centered, John places high value on the lives of his comrades, and is ashamed and horrified when he must leave helpless allies behind to save himself and others. In addition, John is greatly averse to taking human lives. John's moral principles initially prevented him from killing enemy soldiers, but he would reluctantly set aside his conscience for the sake of his friends.
John's first instinct is to always see life through cautious and doubtful eyes.


John is highly competent and skilled at the Extraterrestrial Military Manuever gear and good at assessing his situation at any given time, but is too prompt to unsheathe his sword and can spark conflict with his team members.
Jean is highly adept at using the Extraterrestrial Military Manuever gear, being able to maneuver well even on open terrain, which is considered extremely difficult. John is also an exceptionally level-headed individual, able to see the big picture and make tactically wise decisions when it counts. It were these traits that earned John his rank as 6th best amongst the 111th trainees.
He also seems to be proficient with firearms, at least with rifles, as he is seen using one during the persecution of the Survey Corps. He is capable of shooting people with no intention to kill them, just to incapacitate them, with great accuracy.

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