Chapter 6 : Joining the E.M.

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What's Going on:
The next chapter will be 5 years after the previous chapter, so Chikara, Kolbe and Alex will be 15, and a little more mature. After waiting around for a few days not doing much but starving from the famine, they all agreed on joining the E.M (extraterrestrial military). Not because of the free food, but because they wanted to avenge Alex's grandfather and Kolbe's mother. They now have been training for 5 years (that will start in the next chapter). But I'll use this chapter to show you the first day of training at the E.M. academy, which is when they were still 10.

Alex's POV
First day of E.M. training
I'm lined up in a deserted area in the academy with other cadets in alphabetical order. On my left side stands a very short girl, perhaps 4 feet and six inches tall with eyes of sapphire and long blonde hair. She looks about my age, 10. On my right is a guy who appears much taller and a bit older than me. He has short brown hair and stands about five feet and five inches tall. He looks as if he could be 12 or 13. These are the kids I'll be training with for the next few years. It seems like I don't need to make any friends. That isn't really my strongest point, anyway. I already have Chikara and Kolbe. I lost my grandfather. I can't afford to get close to anyone else and lose them, too. I look at my surroundings. At least I'm not trapped inside of that old village. I don't ever want to go back. I believe within my heart that by being here, I'm taking a step forward. Yes, I'm in violation of Handeski but I'm willing to make sacrifices for a good cause. And this is the best cause. I will not allow my grandfather to die in vain...I WILL NOT!

Chikara's POV

I won't pay attention to anything or anyone besides drill sergeant Al Adkinson. In order to ace this academy to perfection and beyond, I'll need to pay extra close attention. Now's my chance to put all that training and practice from my grandad to use. I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he even still alive..? I don't want to think about that now. I need to focus. Adkinson is pretty tough. Let me rephrase that, he's plain ruthless. There's a major difference. He will stop at nothing to receive respect and instill discipline in us trainees. I heard he even physically punishes cadets, most of the time for nothing at all. But I can handle him. My grandad was tough on me, too. I should be accustomed to it. The dude on my right, who looks about my age smiles and waves at me. I scowl at him. I'm not here to make friends, I want to graduate at the top of this class. No, I will graduate at the top of this class.

Kolbe's POV

I look around at the cadets. All of us seem to be between ages 10 to 18. What a vast difference. I turn my attention to Adkinson. He walks in front of all us cadets like we're microscopic pebbles and he's a gigantic boulder. This will be a difficult five years. He has dark circles around his hazel eyes, tan skin and... well, no hair. He looks like his life has been a living nightmare. There's no telling how many comrades he's lost. He looks around forty to fifty years of age. I won't let him intimidate me. That's one thing no one will do. It looks as if his assistant is about to give an introduction. "Hello, cadets of the 111th E.M. trainees class. Yes, this academy has been around for over 550 years. But we've been needing a location for training for all those years to fight mankind's greatest threat, the aliens. As you know, they've wiped us out by the millions over the last few hundred years. Mankind has yet to truly fight back, but we do not give up! We'll prevail, no matter how grim, how desperate, how fatal any situation is. And believe me, when you come out of training, you'll see the despair of reality for yourselves. It's simple, really. If you fight, you have two possibilities. Live with pain and dignity, or die with pain and dignity. If you don't fight, you have two possibilities as well. You live as a coward, or you die as a coward.

That's just how I and Adkinson over here see it, after 20 years of working here. It's mostly up to you. Now for the areas of service, you may chose your path. Of course, in each position it's highly possible that you'll have to face the aliens yourself. Some more than others. Which is why you're training to fight them, of course. Now, I'll introduce your possible options. There's the E.M. police, who guard the gates of villages and prevent any crimes or illegal activities from taking place. There's the E.M. royals, who dedicate their lives to serving the 'king' and guarding the extremities of your home district. And lastly, for the bravest, most insane and slightly suicidal, the E.M. scouts, who venture forth into outer space and attack the aliens in their own territory. Take the next five years to figure out which one of those is for you, but don't get your hopes up. If you don't work your a** off, don't expect to get in the top ten." Says the assistant. I already know what I'm doing. I'm joining the scouts. I'm not going to slack off like a lazy sack and wait for those bastards to come to me. That's exactly what I'd be doing by joining the royals or the police. Plus, the only way to get the true satisfaction of vengeance is to attack them up close. I want to be like my dad. To attack them right there, in space. Their home, just like they did us.

Chikara's POV

When I hear the options, nothing goes through my mind except Kolbe. I'm going wherever he is. Royals, police, heck, the scouts, I don't care. I know that can I handle it, as long as he's by my side. But I'm even more determined to get into the top ten now, not that it should be difficult. I may boast in my head, but I'm nothing short of humility when it comes to opening my mouth. My grandfather taught me that, too. The assistant, whose name is Rogers goes on about our training and lunch schedules. We are showed the classrooms, bathrooms and sleeping quarters. Not the most comfortable place, but it'll do. I just hope I don't get distracted by all these cadets. What am I saying, I have no weakness. This will be a piece of cake.

Alex's POV

Upon hearing that we can decide our regiment, I'm a bit worried. The scouts is quite a terrifying path. I think Kolbe may be contemplating joining. And if he goes, so will Chikara. I guess that leaves me no choice... Not literally speaking, of course. I'll have to follow them. I'll do anything for my friends. I'll die if it means their well being. I will stay loyal until the end. Of course, they wouldn't need me anyway. Holding them back, pulling them back. Perhaps it's best if I don't join them? Oh well, I'll have five years to think about this. I turn to see sargeant Adkinson lifting up a boy from the ground, Elijah Sawyer, by his...head. Wow, this sargeant is ruthless. He then comes toward me, asking questions. I put my hand over my heart and stand respectfully. "What is your name!?" He asks shouting, and spitting a little. "Alex Herman, sir!" I shout back. "Why are you here?" He asks. "I am here to retrieve our planet and human philosophy from the hands of the aliens and to give my life to doing so, sir!" I shout. His eyebrows unforrow for a brief second just before he walks to the next cadet. Did I say something that left an actual impression on him? Or was it meaningless?

Yay! Next chapter will be here soon, so stay tuned! You will get to know the cadets that befriend Chikara, Alex and Kolbe. They will also be older and more relatable, for me I guess, and whoever else is around that age. Please keep reading! Thanks, see you through the screen. =)

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