Chapter 39 : Love

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Alex's POV

I sit behind the closed door. "I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't have done that. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me...but I guess now, that's ruined." Says Terrah. I rest my head on my knees. "I'm sorry I ran off. Sometimes I can be such a coward, especially when it comes to things like that." I say. "You aren't a coward at all, Alex. If anyone is, it's me. I was afraid of what Anne would think of me. I did it because...I was jealous. Of Anne's affection for you." Says Terrah. Anne's affection for me? She doesn't seem to have affection for anyone. "No you didn't. That can't be true. The real reason is because you like me don't you? And you wanted to kiss me." I say. There is a long moment of silence. "You know, sometimes it's freaky, how much you know." She says. "But you're right. I did want to kiss you. And I...enjoyed the kiss." She says. Is this happening again? Will she ask me- "Did you...enjoy the kiss?" She asked. My stomach sinks. I get up and open the door. "No..." I say. "I'm sorry." I look at her with tears in my eyes.

I start to walk away. She holds my hand.

"Don't give up on me." She says.

She pulls me in for another kiss. This time I let go immediately. "I'm sorry. I told you, I can't! I can't do this!" I shout. I get back inside of my room and shut the door. "Fine! You know what, forget everything I ever told you! You're worthless! Nothing but a cowardly prick who can't be in a relationship because you're too darn scared!" Shouts Terrah. That was out of line. "Well you know what? Guess that makes two of us. I'm scared too! But I can still admit that I like you." She says.

Terrah's POV

I take my hand away from the door. I step a few feet away. "I- I...j- why can't you-" I begin to sob. I run to my sleeping quarters and cry on the matress Kristen and I share. I sob until I can't breathe, gasping for air between each cry. So this is what I get for trying to express how I feel?

Kolbe's POV

"I'll go check on Alex. You can go find Terrah." I say to Chikara. She nods as we both head down the hallway. I hear sobs from down the hall. "Gosh Alex, what on earth did you do to her?" I ask standing outside the door. He opens it and lets me in. "I wasn't trying to do anything. I just told her honestly how I felt, and- "BWAHHHAAAHAHAA!!!" Terrah's sobs grow louder. "And then that happened." He says. "I know you were just being honest. But she's a girl. She has feelings, and you can't just block them- "It isn't like that. She knows why I block them. I don't - no, I can't get too close to anyone else, only to end up losing them." Says Alex. "Almost all of us know how that feels. Seeing our friends and family get devoured by the aliens. It hurts like hell. But you've got to push through. You can't let that sad truth blind you from something that will enhance the quality of your short life." I say. "Never thought I'd hear something sentimental like that come from you." Says Alex. He laughs and wipes a tear away.

"She said some pretty hurtful things." He says. "I heard." I say. "I know she didn't mean them. I just...I don't know what to do now." Says Alex. "What do you want to do? It's up to you." I say. Alex shrugs his shoulders. "Do you like her?" I ask him. He looks up at me, eyes shaking. "If you put aside your reservations, your fear and our predicament... Do you like her?" I ask. Alex takes a deep breath.

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