Chapter 18 : His Ability is discovered!

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Two days after Kolbe and his friends were re-united

The District of Clud (A village near the exit of the dome)

No one's POV

At this point in time, the members of the EMS's (extraterrestrial corps) are about to embark on their expedition outside the dome.

"Look! The members of the scout regiment are passing through!" Shouts a villager. The members ride their horses through the streets of the village as fans and onlookers acknowledge their bravery. Chikara, Kolbe, Alex and other soldiers are a part of the crowd observing. This is what those three will be doing in due time."Commander Edwin! Did you give those aliens a taste of their own medicine?" Asks a villager. The commander, a tall man with parted blonde hair and blue eyes rides his horse steadily, looking straight ahead. "Look! It's captain Liam Misou! They say he's as strong as an entire army!" Shouts another villager. Liam scoffs on his horse. "Please, spare me the praise." He says. He's a generally short man with dark hair in an undercut, and intimidating, grey eyes. He's viewed as humanity's strongest soldier. "Not that I'm supporting your fans or anything, but from a public standpoint, you might want to lighten up!" Says Kloe, the woman on horseback beside him. Kloe Ditz is a highly intelligent scientist and long term EMS member, with deep passion for her work with studying the aliens. Many confuse this passion with insanity and obsession, and those many may not be completely wrong... These are three of the veterans of the EMS's, they've been part of this regiment for over ten years. That makes them some of humanity's most capable soldiers. They approach the exit of the dome and prepare to enter the outside world.

The transparent gate slowly rises open. Kloe bursts with enthusiasm. "Wow! The thresholds of Alien land! A lovely territory where we can find tons of these beautiful creatures and learn about their origins! Can you just envision the things in store for us? I'm on pins and needles! I can't wait to capture an abnormal alien...I'll burst with tears of joy!!!" She shouts. Liam rolls his eyes. "I think we've found the craziest of all the aliens already." He says. "Huh? Seriously, where?!" Asks Kloe. Liam grabs her hair and pulls her closer. "I mean you." He whispers.

The scout regiment's primary function is to establish basis for human expansion, more so than killing aliens in their own territory, outer space. There are set times for outer space expeditions, but mostly the scouts go outside the dome to defeat aliens with the intention of regaining human territory. These expeditions create a spearhead for human knowledge. They face a dangerous quest. Thanks to the ingenuity of exemplary members, the regiment's survival rate has improved. With that said, the quest to relinquish territory has still caused great death, now exceeding 30%.

A few days earlier (Combat)

A scout soldier is caught in the mouth of an alien. "You'll pay! Mankind will get a hold of you. Mark my words, the last ones standing will be us!" Shouts the scout. He plunges his blade into the alien's flesh. The alien crushes his abdomen. "Ahhh!" He screams. "You'll all fall to Captain Liam!" Shouts the scout. All of a sudden, the alien collapses. Its large dead body disintegrates on the ground. The scout looks around and realizes that Captain Liam killed it.

Liam's POV

I spot aliens approaching. One on the right. Two on the left. Ryn and two other scouts land on the roof before me. "Captain! The reinforcements are here." Says Ryn. "Good. Take the two on the left. The one on the right belongs to me." I say before taking off. "Captain, wait!" Shouts Ryn in the distance.

Kloe's POV

"Woo hoo hoo!" I shout while landing off a roof. An alien approaches me. "Don't be scared, big guy! I won't hurt you, cross my heart and hope to die!" I shout. The alien lunges towards me, but I dodge its grasp. "Good try, but you're a little slow on the outake." I say. Alright, enough messing around. It's time to kill this thing. "HYAHHH!!!" I shout while striking its weak spot. "See? Bet you barely felt a thing." I say, grinning.

No one's POV

"I know you can't help being hideous... But I can't help being tired of looking at you." Says Liam to the two aliens. He swings around the alien's abdomen, at a speed so high that only he can master. He strikes it quick and deeply with one large blow. While that one disintegrates, he heads for the next one. He moves on its head. The alien screams loudly. "Uh oh, easy big stuff. Nobody's got time for a crybaby. Let's take it like a man, shall we?" He says to the alien. He swoops down to its abdomen, striking its weakspot. It falls to the ground, and slowly perishes. Liam lands on a roof and looks at his blade, covered in alien slime. "Tch, disgusting." He says while wiping it down.

Liam's POV

I see Ryn attending to the wound of the scout that was caught in the alien's mouth. "Captain...I can't stop the bleeding." She says despondently while holding a cloth to the scout's abdomen. I approach them and kneel beside the scout. He struggles to speak. "Tell me my death will be meaningful. That it won't be in vain." Says the scout. The soldier holds up his hand. I hold on to it."We've made great advancements today, soldier. It's because of you. Those things won't die on. The alien's torture will be me. This, I swear, by my very life...the aliens will be eradicated!" I shout. The soldier's eyes close. "Sir, I'm sorry..he's...gone." Says Ryn. "Does it matter? What I had to say...any of it?" I ask her. "Yes, sir. I think he heard it all. Look at him. That's a face at peace." Says Ryn.

Commander Edwin approaches on his horse. "We're moving out!" He shouts. "...Sir?" Asks Ryn. "Come on! You know well that we can push further." I say. "There's a swarm of aliens down by the village. They're bearing down on that city. It's just like five years ago. Something's telling me this is going to be bad. For all we know, the dome's been reduced to shattered pieces." Says Commander Edwin.

Kolbe's POV

These aliens...they must be destroyed. I'll be the one to do it. Every last one of them. "You're all gonna die." I say while in a daze. I flash back into reality. Alex is knelt beside me, wearing a terrified expression. Chikara stands a few feet away. I see dozens of soldiers surrounding us carrying guns, blades and cannons which happen to be pointed directly at...the three of us? "Are you alright?" Asks Chikara, in tears. What's going on here? "Kolbe, look at me, say something! Look, we've got to tell them everything, alright? They're terrified, understand?" Says Alex. "Alex, wh- "He said we were all going to die. There isn't much you can make of that." Says a soldier. "That alien wants to eat us all!" Shouts another soldier. What on earth are they talking about? Why are all their weapons pointing at us? Those are supposed to be for killing aliens, not people. Are they terrified

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