Chapter 1 : Those days

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The hail fell down like giant stones on that night. Chikara's 2 year old sister, Mina, cuddled up especially close to her mother, frightened of the hail. Chikara ran out of her mother's grasp to witness the white stones as they slammed against the window. "Chikara, get away from there!" Shouted Ariel, her mother. 3 year old Chikara continued to gaze with curiosity. A few seconds went by, and a bolt of lightning struck the earth. Chikara ran from the window and cuddled with her mother and sister. "Don't go near the window during a storm again!" Shouted her petrified mother. Chikara cried and apologized.

The next day

Anoto, Chikara's grandfather sits on the couch with her. He turns on the television and drops his tea as he hears the latest news. The news reporters obviously appear terrified of the situation although they try to keep their composure. They announce that another meteor, this time the size of Greenland is headed for the earth in 3 hours and nothing can be done to stop it. They encourage people to stay in their basements and brace for impact. They announce that millions will be killed and a large crater will be marked on the earth. The survivors are expected to begin operation cleanup after the strike. They'll need volunteers to remove corpses so a global epedemic won't begin. They expect it to cost billions to rebuild and it will take 6 to 7 years, if it's given its best. Chikara and her sister, too young to understand what is going on are perplexed by the worried expressions of her grandfather, mother and father. The family rushes to the basement with food and water and waits. "God, help us." Says Ariel.

--- 2 years later ---

The family managed to survive the catastrophe. On an ordinary Sunday morning, Chikara is waken up at 7:00am for breakfast with her family. "Chi..Chi ( her nickname)...Chi!!!" Shouts 4 year old Mina. "What?" Asks Chikara. "Wake up! Mommy made omletes!" Shouts Mina. Tired 5 year old Chikara rubs her eyes and yawns. She is dragged out of bed by the hand of her sister. The girls sit at the table awaiting their breakfast. "Here are your omletes, sweethearts!" Says Ariel, kissing them both on the cheek. "Thank you mommy." They say in unison. They could be twins if it weren't for the fact that Mina's hair was longer and that Chikara had a distinctive birthmark shaped like a heart on her lower back. Their father, mother and grandfather sit at the table. "Let's pray before we eat. The family was part of Handeski, an unpopular religion that promotes peace, humility and is strictly non violent. Well, most of the family. "So, Chi, you'll be attending school next month. Are you excited?" Asks Han, her japaneese father. Her mother was American, with a French ethnicity. "Yes, but I am timid. I want them to like me." Says Chikara. "That's not what's important. You're there to learn, right?" Asks Han. She nods. After breakfast, the family goes to the park for a picnic. Chikara and Mina play tag. While their parents are talking and Anoto is reading, the girls wander off into the woods near a pond. "Tag, you're it!" Shouts Chikara. She chases Mina and trips.

"Are you alright? Get up!" Shouts Mina. Chikara gets up. She looks at Mina, confused about her face. "What's wrong?" She asks. Mina points to the big figure behind Chikara and panics. The man grabs the girls. Anoto sees from a distance and rushes to their aid. He uses unique defense techniques to knock out the man, contacts the police and tells the parents.

Home later that evening

"Anoto, how could you? You know we do not resort to violence!" Shouts Ariel. "Ariel, calm down," Says Han. "Father, I know you were only trying to protect Mina and Chikara, but how could you resort to violence? We never do that. I know it's not my place to say this, but you've sinned greatly. Ariel and I have talked, and we think it's best that you don't continue to live here." Says Han. "It's just better for the girls this way, Anoto. We know you'll understand." Reassures Ariel. "I understand. I apologize, but I couldn't just allow them to get taken like that!" Says Anoto. "We're sorry, Anoto. We never said resisting violence would be easy, but you vowed to do so. And you broke that vow. We aren't supposed to be doing this, but because you saved their lives and because we love you, we will allow you to see the girls once a month." Says Han.
Anoto left the next day and went to live in an apartment 6 minutes away from the public school and their home.

That Night

"Mommy, why did granpa leave?" Asks Chikara. "Grandpa did bad, Chi. But don't worry, we still love him. You'll see him again." Says Ariel. Chikara nods, as usual. Her mother kisses her goodnight. She lays awake in her bed, gazing at the fireflies from her window. She sees a shooting star and wishes upon it. She wishes that she and her grandpa could be united once again. She lays back and falls asleep to the sound of chirping crickets. That night she dreamed of a time, a place where there wouldn't be any more pain or death or suffering. She dreamed she lived happily in a paradise with her family.

First day of School

"Everyone, get up! Get up! It's the first day of school! Get up!" squeals Chikara. She's all dressed and ready to go. "Look at you! You look adorable!" Says Ariel as she pinches her cheeks and gives her a hug. Her dad lifts her up and kisses her on the cheek. "I'm so excited for you, Chikara! I can't wait 'till I get to go to school. I have to wait forever!" Says Mina. "A year is not forever, Mina." Says her dad pinching her cheeks. The table is set. "Alright, after school, you walk straight home, okay young lady?" Says Ariel. Chikara nods and smiles. "We'll be waiting for you with a surprise, okay." Says Han. "Yay! A surprise!" Exclaims Chikara. She was so excited she could barely contain herself. Chikara rushes to the door, ready to leave. "Wait, Chi!" Shouts Mina. Mina embraces Chikara with a warm hug. "Have a nice day, I love you." She says smiling. "I love you too!" Says Chikara. She waves goodbye and smiles back at her family. She literally runs to the school with enthusiasm in each step.

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