Chapter 4

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"Well," Sucheta said in History. "What do we have here? A blushing girl who can barely hear what we're saying. What's up?"

"Uh!" I mumbled. "It's nothing. I had been reading this book called Fifty Shades of Grey and it has some really hot steamy scenes."

"Great! So, did you like Mr. Grey?" Swara jumped up from her seat behind.

"Not much. Very intimidating character." I replied, thinking about an imaginary tall and strong man of 25, wearing a black suit and grey tie, staring with his intense grey eyes at me.

"Hello? Earth calling Rishika." Nishi snapped her fingers right under my nose.

"Hey, stop doing that, will you?" I frowned.

"Alright, alright." She snorted. "Someone's deep in thought about him."

"What? Who?" My voice shook.

"Whoa! Calm down, girl. I said someone's thinking of Mr. Grey." She laughed.

"What are you girls talking about? Is it that important?" I heard the history teacher yell from her desk.

"Well, sorry, Ma'm." Suman said apologetically.

I glanced at my phone. It was 10 am. Break time. When will he come?

I excused myself from my friends saying I needed to go to canteen for food and will be back after sometimes.

I went downstairs, near the notice board and kept waiting for him. I kept on scanning the corridor for him. There was rush of students all the time.

I checked my phone again and again for the time. Finally, I called him at 10.20. I could wait no longer.

"Hello?" I heard him say.

"Hey, Puneet. It's Rishika here. Where are you?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm near the gate. Coming in. Where are you?" He said.

"Near the notice board."


I cut the call and looked outside. Yes, there he was, in a light pink Astrix tee and black jeans. He was struggling to put his big phone in his pocket.

I hid behind the wall and let him find me. He came in and stared across the notice board and found me. He waved.

I waved back. Gosh! I really liked him.

"Hi." He gave a shy smile as he walked towards me in a slow pace.

"Hello, how are you?" For a second, our eyes met and he looked away as soon as it happened.

"Good. Did you get the journal?" He asked, barely looking in my eyes.

"Yep. Take it." I gave him my journal. "Take the xerox and give it back to me."

"Yeah. Thanks." He held my journal and stood there, looking down, on the floor.

"Let's go and get the xerox then." I smiled.

"Sure." He blushed and we went opposite our college where there were two xerox shops which were usually packed with customers.

He took the xerox and gave me the journal and said thanks again.

"It's okay." I smiled as we crossed the road to go to college.

"Well, then what's today's plan?" I asked as we stood near the staircase, in college.

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