Legit Entry #14

19 5 0

5th December, 2014.
06.45 pm

Dear Diary,

I had an amazing day today. Guess what? I and Puneet had some really romantic moments since 10 am till 12.30 pm. Remember that I had told you that he wanted to take me to his place? And that was that! :) It all started from little, soft kisses on my cheeks, jaw line, neck and lips and ended on the floor, both entangled with each other. (Fully clothed, by the way!) Only his shirt was lying on the floor. He looked so hot without a shirt. His gym workouts had paid off, it seemed.

He was so active romantically. He might be all shy and quite outside, but from the inside, he's this romantic and passionate lover boy. My body is still tingling where he had touched me. I can still feel his hands caressing my face, his lips giving me gently and sloppy kisses... His breath on my neck... His tongue circling in my mouth...

Each time, we kiss, I fall more and more for him. After so many months, we kissed and it felt more than amazing. It was as if I'm totally depended on him. I won't let him go anywhere as he's only mine. :*

I just love him so much. Mwuaaaah! :*

Rishika :*

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