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Note: this is the first fic I've done in a long while. I've tried to think of something original so *fingers crossed*. Please vote/comment, it'd mean a lot to me. Thank you.



Clambering out of the car, I was met with Jade. The best friend anyone could ask for.

"I cannot believe you won!" She laughed as she pulled me into a hug.

"It's so surreal!" Shaking my head, I gave a short laugh before I pulled off my helmet and put it on top of the car.

See, street racing was our little secret. Especially from my dad. It wasn't a 'serious' thing for us. We both loved it, maybe a little too much, and of course, the extra money wasn't a bad thing. Except for when your dad was asking where you were getting it all from. And then asks if you're dealing drugs.

A hundred pound extra for every race win wasn't exactly something bad. All the extra helped, especially since mum passed away, thirteen years ago.

When mum died just after I'd turned ten, it was difficult. My dad soon became depressed, causing me to have to grow up early. I never really had time to grieve, so instead I focused my sadness and my anger (both because mum had left me, but also because my dad had made me miss out on my childhood for three years). I love racing, which I got into nearly four years ago now, aged nineteen, because it's something to forget the world for. As soon as I get into a car, I'm no longer Alexis, the twenty three year old personal trainer who doesn't open up to anyone, I'm just another driver.

"Milton Keynes, here we come!" Jade's laughter broke me out of my thoughts. Laughing quietly to myself, I accepted congratulation hugs from the other guys who were here, most of them had been competing also.

Living up in London meant that Milton Keynes wasn't too far away, but for two young women, with poor jobs, it was difficult to travel there and to still be able to afford to eat when we got home. But with this money, we would soon be off.

It wasn't exactly the dream destination for a holiday. But, the opportunity to be a racing drivers own personal trainer was the dream job. Combing two of my favourite, most passionate things...well, there just wasn't words for it.

There was open interviews for anyone to come along, being held up at the Red Bull Racing centre for anyone who was interested. I'd had the diet plans and routines ready since I first heard about it, nearly two months ago.

Those two months had passed in a blur, a mixture of dreaming, praying and hard work to try and earn more money to get there. But now, the time had come.

"C'mon Jade, I think we need to go celebrate," I smirked over at her, taking my helmet off the roof before climbing back in the car.

"When are we gonna go? I can't believe this! You're going to be famous and fall in love with your new client and have men falling at your feet!" Jade burst out as soon as we were on our way home.

Laughing at her, I shook my head. "That's never gonna happen babe. I'm 'unapproachable' apparently. Besides, I haven't even got the job yet. And we leave tomorrow, I've had my bag packed for weeks already. And I think we can afford a hotel for a couple of nights. If need be. And then the interviews are in two days time. And if I don't even get it...we'll want to come straight home."

"You're going to get it Lex, you've had this shit planned for months, you've thought about it everyday. If this guy doesn't hire you, well, he's an idiot."

"Jade!" I laughed. "You can't call Christian Horner an idiot!"

"Who?" She frowned, angling her body to face me as she looked out the window.

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