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Outfit is the first on the left. Please Vote and Comment. x.

Picking out my outfit for this 'date' of ours wasn't difficult. Well, I tried to not make it difficult. I had spent at least twenty minutes just staring at my open wardrobe from my bed. But I thought about it, over and over again, and decided that he'd already seen me at my worse earlier on in the day, when I was a sweaty, smelly mess. And I was crying. God knows what I looked like then. How he managed to kiss me when I looked and smelled like that was beyond me. 

I'd decided to go simple...but cute. Well, my attempt at cute anyway. A simple pair of blue, ripped skinny jeans and an oversized jumper with a pair of heels with my hair left natural and curly. My attempt at cute.

Fashion was not my strong point. 

Oh well, I'm pretty sure that Daniel didn't want this date based on my fashion sense. 

And I'd be sat down at least ninety percent of the time, so really only the top half mattered. And you can't go wrong with a plain, grey jumper. 

Knock Knock.

Oh god. He's here. 

Deep breaths Lex, it's only Daniel. 

Swiping the bangs out of my face, I took a deep and slow breath before answering the door. "Hey.." I smiled up at him. Yes, up at him. Even with my four inch heels, he was still taller than me, which was annoying. (Secretly, I loved it. But I wasn't going to ever let him find that out.)

"You look nice." Dan gave me a bright smile as I stepped out of my apartment, closing the door behind me. 

"Nice? Is that it?" I teased him, walking side by side as our hands and arms brushed.

"Sorry. I mean you look beautiful, gorgeous and sexy." He moved his arm, draping it loosely over my shoulder. "That better?"

I shrugged, pretending to not be affected by his words, even though my face felt as though it was on fire. "I was going for cute, but they'll do."

"I'm glad." He laughed softly. 

"Where are my flowers then?" I looked up at him, smirking slightly as I watched his face drop. "I'm kidding." I nudged my elbow into his side playfully. "I don't get the point of them anyway."

"They're supposed to be romantic." 

"I still don't get it. Why flowers? They only die. If you were supposed to give me a gift, or whatever, to show me that you like me, or any other interpretation I'm supposed to get from them, I'd choose a better item. Flowers only die. That wouldn't give me a lot of hope for a relationship." 

"They're meant to make you feel all mushy inside." He laughed, squeezing my shoulder.

"The only thing they do is make me sneeze."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Where we off to then?" I asked, looking up at him as his arm dropped from my shoulders, instead, reaching down to hold my hand, his fingers threaded through mine. I looked down at our hands, mine paler fingers contrasted against his tanned ones. Smiling to myself, I flushed red again.

"Just some restaurant up the road. I'll take you somewhere more fancy when we're in Malaysia." He squeezed my hand. 

I laughed softly, leaning up to peck his cheek, my worries free from my mind for a while. Well, the ten minute walk we were on. 


" wanted to explain stuff?" Dan asked, looking over at me. We'd just finished ordering our food and had been seated for only ten minutes.

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