I Wanna Get Back To Where We Started

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Title from San Francisco - 5 Seconds of Summer. Please continue to vote and comment. 

As quick as the words fell from my lips, the slamming of the door followed. There was no way that could be my mother. She was dead. Six feet underground. And had been for the majority of what I could remember. This was not happening to me.

"Babe?" Daniel called, obviously hearing me slam the door in my not-so-dead mothers face.

I didn't respond. I know what he would say. 'Who was that?' And how was I supposed to explain that to him. 'Oh you know, just my mother, risen from the dead may I add, just before the anniversary of her death.'

Cause I'm sure he wouldn't run for the hills, thinking of me as some psychotic bitch.

Which I wasn't. That was definitely my mother. There was no denying that.

I couldn't move. I was in shock. Frozen. Staring at the door in front of me. The thin piece of wood separating myself and her.

"Babe?" Dan asked again, this time a lot closer. I heard his footsteps, indicating he was coming towards me which was only supported by the feather-like touch of his hand at the base of my back. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

I looked up at him, my face etched with shock and confusion whilst his conveyed worry and concern.

I couldn't utter no words. My mouth was dry, my eyes locked on his. It wasn't until the knocking ran through the house, taking away the silence.

It wasn't until Dan walked towards the door was my silence broken.

"N-no Dan. Don't-t." I whispered brokenly. "Don't answer it please."

"What's wrong?" He faced me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Just please...don't answer it." I muttered into the silence.

"Who's there?" Dan walked over to me, taking my hands in his own, brushing his thumb over the back of my hand, trying to comfort me.

"My mother.."

"What's wrong with that? Surely you want to see her?.." He furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at me, trying to figure out what exactly the problem was of my mother being at the door.

Oh yeah, he doesn't know she's supposed to be dead.

"Just...don't, please Dan." I begged him, taking a step closer towards him.

"Did you guys have an argument or something? I'm sure if you let her in, you can both work it out.."

Dan walked forward, standing in front of me, our feet millimetres apart as he cupped my face, his thumb brushing over my cheek.

"She's not supposed to be here..." I managed to get out, my eyes locked on his hazel ones.

"Why not?" He frowned, staring at me as though the answer would magically appear the longer he stared.

"She's not supposed to be here..." I repeated as my eyes welled up, the first tear trickling down my cheek, meeting Dan's hand.

"I don't understand.." He whispered, brushing the tear track away.

"She's not supposed to be here.." I repeated for a third time. "She's supposed to be dead." I closed my eyes, tears falling freely now. I didn't want to see the look on Dan's face when he thought I was crazy because I believed it was my dead mother at the door, completely un-dead.

I knew it was her. There was no way that woman was anything except my biological mother.

I had so many questions. Why is she here? How is she still alive? What really happened all those years ago? How did she find me?

I guess the only way was to let her in.


"Let her in.." I whispered, eyes squeezed shut.

"Lex..." Dan muttered out hesitantly.

"Just let her in." I opened my eyes, looking up at him to see the concern of his face. "Please. Just get it over with.."

"I'm not sure this is a good idea Lex.." Spoke Dan hesitantly.

"Just do it." I snapped at him, the emotions getting the better of me. However, I soon realised what I had done and muttered out an apology to him.

The Australian sighed softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead before leaving to go open the door.

Come on Lex, you can do this. Just ask her what she wants, how she is here and then tell her to leave and you and Dan can go back to being happy.

I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my hands in an attempt to relax more and essentially 'shake away' the nerves that was flowing through my veins, causing my heart to beat out of my chest.

I watched with nervous eyes, as Daniel let my mother inside of his house. My mother. What the hell is honestly happening?

This year has seriously been whacky. First, I end up with Dan and now this. My dead mother reappearing, right in front of me. Literally.

I look up from the ever-so-interesting laminated floor to where my mother stood directly in front of me, Dan lingering in the background, watching on hesitantly.

"Hello Alexia..." My mother spoke slowly, her hand reaching out towards me.

"No." I told her, stepping back, out of her reach. "You aren't doing this. You're going to tell me why you are here, how you're alive and then you're leaving straight away. None of this bullshit about how you missed me or how you're ever so sorry because if you were either of those, you wouldn't have pretended to have lied, would you mother?" I spat out the last word in disgust.

I ignored the sad look that fell over her face, and Dan's concerned one in the background which I could see just over my mother's shoulder. I wish I could rewind half an hour and never go anywhere near the front door. That way, I wouldn't be in this mess right now.

But. Here I am, and this will all be over in a few hours.

Or, so I can pretend.


"No!" I shouted, making both her and Dan jump. And that was what set my mother's sobbing off.

I sighed, shaking my head as I walked out off the room.

"Lex.." Dan called after me.

"Just leave it Dan!" I shouted back as I walked into the bedroom, locking the door behind me. I leaned against the back door, hands running through my hair in frustration.

I slid down the door, head now between my knees and the tears fell from my eyes, down my cheeks.

Why did this have to happen to me? I was finally happy.

"Lex." Dan spoke through the door, twisting the handle in an attempt to get in. I stayed silent as the tears continued falling. As much as I wanted him to comfort me, I know he'd convince me to go back to where my mother was and try and talk through it.

I didn't want to.

I wanted things to go back to how they were before she showed up.


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