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Please vote and comment. After this chapter, there's only going to be one more and perhaps an Epilogue.

Walking towards the bus stop, with a heavy heart and head was difficult. But I had managed. After everything I had just heard, this should have been one of the simpler things for me to do.

And while, when I was sat at the bus stop, waiting to go back to the airport, to go back to Daniel. I changed my mind.

I needed to see Jade first.

Not that it meant I wasn't going back for Dan, because, trust me, I was. But, I promised him I'd come back once I'd fixed myself.

And it's only now that I realise that, I may never be 'fixed'. But I could try and find happiness and have the people that I want and need in my life, actually in it.

While that list was extremely small (only consisting of Jade and Daniel), it was probably easier to start with Jade. Not just because she was closer either.

She understood me in a way that no one else does, or probably ever will.


A short bus journey, consisting of me gazing out of the window, and a mile long walk soon meant that I was in front of Jade's apartment door.

Climbing up the stairs to the fifth floor was one of the hardest things to do. And not just because the elevator was broken.

No, I had to convince myself two or three times not to turn around and just fly back to Daniel in Belgium.

But I had managed and, now, all that was left was the front door.

I took a deep breath before reaching up, hand shaking, and knocked twice on the wooden door. It wasn't long before she answered, a bright smile on her face before it dropped into something which I'm hoping was shock.

"Hi.." I muttered out quietly, hand gripping the straps on my bag anxiously.

"Lex!" Jade's smile soon returned as she reached forward, bringing me into a tight hug.

Well...this wasn't what I was expecting to happen.

"I've missed you so much!"

Definitely not.

I was expecting her to slam the door in my face, or at least give me some kind of attitude. For her to greet me like this, I wasn't expecting. But at the same time, I was so so so thankful to have someone like Jade in my life.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered to her as I finally responded, wrapping my arms around her shoulders tightly.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." Jade pulled back slightly, speaking to me in a soft but stern voice. "I don't even remember why we were fighting in the first place." She laughed.

"Me neither." I gave her a sheepish grin, before she pulled me into her apartment.

"Where's Dan then?" She turned around to look at me as we walked into the kitchen area. She must of noticed something in my facial expression because she soon rushed over to me again. "What happened?"

"It's uhh...a lot more complicated than a normal 'break-up'...I think that's what it was I don't know, a break? I guess..." I began stuttering as I tried to explain myself, flapping my hands around as I worked myself up again.

"Calm down Lex," Jade soothed me. "How about we get a cuppa and then you can explain everything to me, slowly and calmly, yeah?"

I nodded my head, giving her a small smile as I dumped my bag down on the floor near the door.

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