Shanghai International

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Thursday came around far too quickly in my eyes. Wednesday Dan and I did the track walk, strictly as personal trainer and driver before Dan was whisked away to do some filming with Sky TV and then he had a meet and greet/signing with some fans who had got special passes to this race. He came back with hands full of gifts, plenty of which were food related, so trying to get that off of him was... well lets just say it wasn't easy.

I also spent that late afternoon, with Dan, in the hospitality area. Along with the entire crew from his half of the garage. It wasn't too bad, I'd obviously met them all before in Australia, but this time I'd managed to learn a few names. Well I'd tried, they all looked the similar to me, which wasn't easy. And they were all extremely flirty.

Dan didn't like that. For sure.

We hadn't actually sat down and discussed whether was planning on keeping it on the down low for now, or whether we'd just be ourselves and people could presume, but I could tell he didn't like the way they were all flirty with me. Not that I flirted back, I just went red. Ferrari Red.

And Daniel's much as it shouldn't have, it sent fire through my body. The good kind.

His reaction gave me a reassurance that he did actually like me, and wasn't just messing around because he was bored. It made me less wary, and more confident that this could be a long time thing between us.

After we'd all finished dinner, we all retired back to our hotel rooms to get an early night before the mayhem of Thursday began.

And well, the new mark on my collarbone was definitely by pure accident and not from a certain, grumpy (jealous) Australian driver.

So what did Thursday hold for me? Rolling back onto my side, Dan still cuddled up behind me, I reached for my phone that was charging on the side to check my calendar.

"Too bright.." Dan murmured against my neck, his chest rumbling as he spoke, pulling me closer against his body. "Turn it off."

"Sorry.." I whispered, clicking the lock button on my phone before placing it on the side. At least I had nothing planned except to do my planning for the next few months. And then tomorrow, I'd be able to watch Dan's practice sessions from the garage with all the other crew. And listen to his radio.

Which, I must admit, I was excited to hear. Even if it was only practice.

"What are you doing today?" I murmured to Dan, rolling round onto my other side to face him.

Dan huffed in annoyance because I'd upset his comfortableness, wrapping his arm back around my waist and re-entwining our legs together.

"Press, dinner, strategy and then I'm all yours."

"Mhm, good." I smiled, pressing a kiss against his shoulder before snuggling up and falling back asleep.

Waking up the second time Thursday morning, I was alone.

Well, in bed that was. I could hear (purely because of his humming) Dan tottering around the hotel room, presumably getting ready for his press conference that he'd been selected for this week.

Rolling over with a sigh, I moved into his half of the bed. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to do something today.

It's not my fault this bed was so warm and comfy.

And it smelt like Daniel.

Which is always a plus. A massive, massive plus.

"Morning." I could even hear the grin in his voice. "Time to get up."

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