Waiting (Final)

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I'm super peeved of about Dan's tyre and what happened so I thought I should probably update. Please vote and comment, this is the LAST CHAPTER. But, I do have another idea for another Dan fic which I might do.


Waiting was one of the worst feelings in the world. And to make it even more worse, I was still in a holding cell waiting for either Daniel to come and rescue me, or waiting to be prosecuted.

I hope it was the former.

I didn't know where he was right now, he could have chosen to come to Milton Keynes early to work on the stimulator (and therefore he'd be here within the next ten minutes, according to my calculations). Or, he could be in Monaco or even worse, Australia.

It was a waiting game.

And waiting, isn't really my thing. Normally, I had tolerable levels of patience, but this, this was a situation that I wanted to get out of as soon as possible.


Hours had passed. Not one, not two but three hours. Three hours since I had called for Daniel to come and help me.

He wasn't coming.

At this point in my life, I truly felt like I had no one. My mother, who apparently has the ability to rise from the dead only to find out she wasn't actually dead (yeah, that mother), was nowhere to be seen. That, I was pretty thankful for.

My dad, the depressed one who wasn't actually depressed and lied to me my entire life, was most definitely not coming to save me either. I didn't want him to.

Truth be told, I only wanted Daniel to come and rescue me. I only want him and I've had enough of other people trying to help, pretending to care. Of course, there was Jade who was sat just 5 feet away from me, but as much as I love her, she's not going to be there. If I do go back to being Daniel's personal trainer, we're going to be thousands and thousands miles apart from one another. Not that it was her fault, of course not, this one was on me.

Daniel was the only one who I wanted (as I hoped he did to) to be there for me, no matter how broken I may be, I want him to be the safety pin to hold me together, like when the zip on your favourite jeans break.

I just hoped it wouldn't be too much for him.

Because if it was, I'd have to leave him too. I couldn't drag him through the mud with my own crap, that wasn't fair on him.

I just hoped he'd show up, to give me the smallest slither of hope that what we had (before I made probably the worse mistake of my life) was still there and we could move forward from it. Together.


I was shaken out of my thoughts by an Australian accent. And not just any Australian, Daniel freakin' Ricciardo.

"Daniel?" I rushed forward towards the bars, grabbing hold of them tightly as I stared up at Daniel. Almost as though he was a hallucination. But, no, he was real. He was actually stood there in front of me.

He came.

He actually came.

"Oh my god, you're here, you actually came to get me. I mean, I know I phoned and you said you would but I didn't think you would, I thought that you'd change-"

"-Lex." Daniel cut me off, a grin starting to form on his face. That's when I saw the officer lingering over his shoulder.

"Oh my god, am I going to jail?" I began to panic again. "It's not funny Daniel! Do I look like the type of person to be in a prison?!"

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