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Here we go. x.


Some people love summer, while others hate it. The weather too hot for them, the sun turning them pink, or for the fortunate (like Daniel) a golden brown.

I on the other hand, didn't really have an opinion on the season. While I loved the cold weather, not having to wrap up in several layers of clothing was always a benefit. Who looked remotely attractive in three layers of clothing and a giant ski jacket?

No one was the answer. Well...Daniel probably looked incredible.

Not, that it was difficult for him.

The warm weather wasn't exactly the best. It made me sweaty, which was horrible. But more importantly, it was summer when I lost my mother. And every year, where summer came around, everyone would be outside, laughing and shouting with their friends and eating ice cream on the beach, I would be counting down the days until the anniversary of my mother's death was upon me and I'd have to make the trip to the graveyard and place her favourite flowers down.

And this year would be exactly the same. Even if so much had changed within my life, the outcome would still be the same. Nothing in the world, nor universe, would change the date that my mother died. Or how horrible I always feel. No matter whether it was, one, two, ten years since her passing, I'd still feel the same empty slot that was in my heart, the feeling of missing out so much on everything that mother and daughter were supposed to do. The chats she was supposed to give me, the shopping trips and make overs. The support. The love.


There was a difference already this year.

As the end of July turned itself into August, with just twenty-two days remaining until the anniversary, I wasn't sad, I wasn't lonely nor was I even thinking about it constantly. I was happy.

I wasn't sat in my room counting the days away. I was happy. Dan had just got himself his first podium of the 2015 season in Hungary, which he truly did earn. After collusions with both the Mercedes boys, and a mad dash into the pits for a front wing change, he got his third place podium.

And don't forget the massive party that the entire team, myself included, enjoyed as both Red Bull boys secured podiums.

My first Formula One party.

And trust me, there wasn't any cheep beer at this party. No, the finest of finest champagne from the four corners of the world.

Everyone was dressed with either some form of expensive jewellery, or designer clothing.

And me?

Well, I was in the finest dress of them all.

From Primark that was.

But still, aside from what I was wearing, and whatever the hell was in these fancy drinks, I got drunk. I had fun. I had Daniel and I had bonded with the entire team.

Dan and I had been going as strong as possible since I finally got over my nerves and decided to focus on the now instead of worrying about everything and anything that could affect me, Dan, or our relationship.

That didn't mean I still didn't worried.

I did.

A lot.

But I managed to calm myself down instead of running away like I usually would have done.

Everything was going smoothly, Dan was on a high now that he had his first podium of 2015 under his belt, sure it wasn't anything like a race win but it was still something to get excited about. For him. And myself.

Right now though, we were on our summer break, Dan and I were finally able to get some well deserved rest from moving hotel to hotel, country to country. And out body clocks were finally able to catch up with themselves.

And, even better, and more importantly (especially for Dan), there was no exercise needed to be done for two weeks.

As you can imagine, he was over the moon with this piece of information.

Lazy bugger.

Dan and I were currently staying at his home in Monaco for a week before Dan went back to Australia and I went to stay with my dad for a week, which I wasn't sure how to feel about it. While I missed dad and wanted to see him, he would be depressed and sad, which would only bring me down again.

And there was the fact I'd most definitely miss Daniel as well while he was back in Australia.

Not that he was too interested in me right now, with his new discovery of Instagram.

He had taken to posting the most simplistic but funniest videos; his most recent being himself eating a packet of crisps.

I'm sure he'd regret it later when I made him work extra hard when he got back into training.

Apart from that, Dan and I had just been relaxing, watching movies or crappy TVs. Essentially hibernating even though it was the middle of summer, and everyone was outside in the bright sunshine.

We'd leave Dan's house soon.

Probably when the food ran out though. And we were forced out of the house with the only other option being starvation.

Dan however, had decided to attempt his hand at cooking, with the last food we had in the house. I had tried to convince him to let me cook, or for us to go out for food, anything except him cooking.

However, it soon turned out that his rendition of 'pizza' didn't turn out well. He had managed to burn it, and not burn it as in a little bit on the crunchy side, but black and setting of the smoke alarms.

"You're such an idiot Dan! I told you this was a bad idea!" I shouted at him as we both fanned the smoke alarm with a tea towel, trying to turn it off.

"I just wanted to do something romantic!" He had to shout back just for me to be able to hear him.

"Buy me a box of chocolates then! Don't attempt to kill me with burnt pizza!" I replied, shouting of course, just as the fire alarm finally shut up.

"Jeez, no need to shout." He grinned cheekily at me to which I hit him with the tea towel. "Ouch woman!"

"Right," I ignored his previous comment. "You're going to clean this mess up, open up the window to get rid of this disgusting smell and I'm going to order a pizza in." I ordered him, walking out of the kitchen after handing him the towel. "Have fun."

Half an hour later, Dan and I were curled up on the couch, the house smelling less and less like burnt pizza. At least Dan had cleaned up, thank god. We had just finally put on a film and were cuddled up on the couch when the doorbell rang through the house.

"I'll get it," I mumbled, pulling myself away from his warm, cosy embrace and towards the door.

But, instead of finding a food delivery guy, there stood a woman. An extremely familiar woman, who looked exactly the same as all those years ago.

My mother.

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