There For Me

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Note: Just wanted to say thank you so much everyone who has voted and/or commented so far. This chapter starts of a little more serious between the pair, so enjoy that :). Please continue to vote and comment, thank you.  x

"I'm going to miss you so much," I cried as I pulled Jade into a hug, holding her as tight as humanly possible.

"It's going to be fine Lex," She told me softly, her own arms wrapped around my waist tightly. "We can Skype at least once a week, and I'm always going to be on the end of a call. Or text. No matter how high the charges are for international calling."

"It's not the same though," I told her sadly.

"No, it's not, but at least it's something." She pulled out of the hug, wiping the tears off of my cheek. "I have to go.." She bit her bottom lip. "Remember to keep me up to date with Daniel." She gave me a small smile, trying her hardest to make me feel better.

"I'll do my best." I smiled back. "I'll see you after Malaysia." I promised her, bringing her in for one last hug, squeezing her tightly again before letting her go, watching her leave through the door.

I walked over to the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest as I squeezed my eyes shut, a few more tears spilling over. I sighed, swiping my hands of my cheeks frustratedly, wiping away the tears.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I managed to click on Daniel's name and type the message through the blurring of my vision because of my tears.

Can I cash in some of those cuddles now? Room 116.



Twenty minutes had passed since I had sent that text. He hadn't responded but when I heard the door knock, I had a feeling it would have been him. Climbing off of the couch, I tried to make myself sightly more presentable by running my fingers through my hair to try and tame the messy bun I had attempted. But, my hair wasn't going to disguise the tear stains, nor the blood shot eyes. And I was in a tank top and sweats. There wasn't much hope for me.

I reached out, unlocking the door and pulling it open, giving Daniel a small smile. "Hey.." I muttered, my voice thick and hoarse. I stepped aside letting him through.

"I've got chocolate, hot chocolate, popcorn, films and blankets." He smiled down at me, lifting his bag up as he finished listing all the items he brought with him.

"You didn't have to..." I smiled, wiping the back of my right hand over my right cheek, followed by the left.

"I wanted to, besides, I like cuddling. I told you that yesterday." He gave my another warm smile. "Now, you pick the film you want on," He handed me a handful of DVD's. "And I'll make the popcorn and hot chocolate." He told me, before walking into the open kitchen. I climbed back onto the couch, looking over his DVD choices.

You could tell he unsure about the type of films I liked. He had brought at least one from each genre of film. Sci-Fi, Action, Horror, Chick Flick and comedy. I picked up The Hangover before getting back up and putting it on.

To me, it didn't matter what film was on, I probably wouldn't even watch it.

"Here we go," He smiled putting the two mugs of hot chocolate on the table and the huge bowl of popcorn between them. He walked back over to where his bag was resting on the kitchen counter before bringing it back over. He pulled out one of those massive galaxy bars and put it down next to the popcorn before he finally sat down on the end of the couch.

I smiled, shaking me head. He was unbelievable. Why did he have to be so kind and attractive? I moved myself closer, sitting next to him so there was barely a slither of space between up. He had moved his feet to rest on the counter in front of us and his arm resting on the back of the couch.

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