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Please vote and comment. I don't condone what her parents do in this chapter. Trigger warning for suicide~only one line, no detail .x.

Two nights on from that horrid day, I'd found myself a small hotel. The cheapest one I could find. And in Monaco, that wasn't cheap. At all.

God only knows where I would end up in three more days when I had to give this room up, and with no more money to pay for any more nights, nor anywhere to go home.

To put it simply, I was fucked.

I knew what I needed to do. I needed to go home, find my father and get answers from him. I needed to sort my life out. But I didn't have enough time for that, not with the second half of the season coming up and needing to be in Belgium in a few days.

Not that I had any intentions of going. No way was I even going to think of travelling across to Belgium.

It's not that its because of the track, no that's great, but Daniel.

I couldn't face him yet. I wasn't ready for that.

And I'm sure my mother would make an appearance. No idea how. But it' d be just my luck for her to appear.

But, travelling around the world is my job. And no matter what I was feeling, or how much crap was going on in my life, wouldn't change that fact. Horner would expect me there....which is why I had to improvise.

I knew that if I could manage to skip Belgium, then it would give me another two weeks to sort this out enough for me to focus on training Daniel to be the fit enough to race.

Phoning Horner hadn't been too bad, with the crap (but slightly true) reasoning of "family issues" allowed me to weekend off. And Dan had been organised a "substitute" trainer for the weekend.

So the countdown was on.

I had two weeks to solve this mystery of my life.



Waking up in different countries every other week would confuse the majority of people. But in a strange way, I kind of like it.

Sure, more sleep would be fantastic. But what usually follows from touching down in a new country, is too exciting.

However, this time...I wasn't excited. Nor was I relatively happy.

At this moment in time, I was just...surviving.

I'd gotten so used to Alexia being here with me, her excitement of seeing new countries, for the first time, would usually fuel my own excitement even further.

But now? I'm sat on a plane by myself.

I mean, yes, there were people on the plane, people involved with Red Bull Racing, but no one to talk to, no one to keep me entertained.

I was still holding onto a small piece of hope that Alexia would be here. I mean, it's her job, right? She has to be here. But at the same time, she is clever and probably found a way out of it.

Hopefully, its only just this weekend.

Doesn't mean I'm not holding on to the small hope I have building in my chest the closer we get to the track.

Since that night...things have been...

Well, I don't really know.

I got rid of her mother, I didn't care where she had gone, it was her fault. She caused us to...break up?

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