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Things between Dan and I didn't change from that day. Much. It was a lot less awkward between us, the tension was gone. And there was hand holding, well, on the walk back from the restaurant. But...apart from that, not much else had changed. We'd gone back to how we were before the 'kiss' we shared.

Thursday had dragged. Dan had gone on a run by himself for three miles from where the block of apartments were to the HQ, instead of coming home tired and doing the run with me.

Which, yeah sure, I understood. But, for some reason I thought it'd be different. I don't know how, or why, but I thought he'd try a little more with me. Yes, I had told him that I was broken, and that I wasn't sure how to do the whole 'relationship' thing but at the same time I didn't want him to act so, so...fragile with me.

I didn't want that. I wanted him to touch me, and hold me, and kiss me. I didn't want the hesitation I saw every time he leaned over to grab my hand or to pull me closer. Things were good between us, but they weren't great.

I sighed heavily, flopping back against the couch. I was bored out of my mind. Dan had been in the stimulator all day and we weren't training until later on. And I had nothing to do. Except laze around here, which as nice as that is. It's. So. Boring. Especially after four days of doing the same thing.

Six hours passed since midday, meaning that any minute Dan would be here to go training and I still hadn't moved from the couch. Or changed from my pyjama's. Lazy days were great until you had to actually do something. And exercise was one of the last things I wanted to do right now. But it's my job. So, unfortunately, I have no other choice.

With a heavy sigh, I heaved myself up from the couch and dragged myself into my bedroom to change into a suitable training outfit, which was the same as usual. Training leggings and a sports bra. This time, a purple one. I tied my knotty, messy hair up in a high ponytail before grabbing my essentials and knocking on Dan's door.

Just on time. I let out a deep breath, already over-exercised from just changing quickly. Maybe I should stop having lazy days.

"Hey." I looked up to see Daniel, smiling down at me (as usual). He was wearing his usual shorts and an exercise t-shirt (unfortunately).

"Did you have fun in the stimulator?"

"As much as you possibly can. What about you? Get up to anything exciting while I was gone?" He nudged his elbow with mine.

"Oh yeah. I threw this massive party, loads of alcohol. Food. Music."

"By yourself?"

"Of course not. Pretty much everyone I know except you."

"Well that's just plain rude." He pouted down at me.

"Awh. I'm sorry." I leaned up, pressing a kiss to his stubble-covered jaw, the highest I could reach. "You can come to my next party." I pressed another kiss there. "All by yourself..." I trailed off, pressing another kiss to his jaw before walking down the corridor, swaying my hips a little more than usual.

Where did that come from? I had no idea.


"Are we done yet? Jesus..." Dan panted heavily as he put down the skipping rope.

"Hmm, nope." I smirked over at him before continuing with the skipping.

"No?" He groaned heavily, standing back up properly.

"You're not sweaty enough yet... And we have another fifteen minutes left of our session." I continued, looking over at him with a heavy smirk.

"You're so mean to me."

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