Fight Me

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Note: Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who has read this, voted and/or commented. It means so much to me. This chapter is dedicated to _highflying for being the first person (that I know of) to read fanfiction of mine.

"Daniel! Come on! get up!" I shouted through the door, banging my fist on the door. I'd been stood here for at least ten minutes waiting and waiting for him to answer the door.

It was finally time for our first run together, and of course, Daniel had managed to oversleep. Even though I must have told him at least ten times that we were leaving at 7am. But, of course he wasn't on time. What a surprise. 

"Daniel!" I shouted again, going to hit against the door again, but coming in contact with Daniel's shoulder instead.

"Ouch." He laughed, sliding to the left of me out of the door, locking it behind him.

"Serves you right, I said 7, didn't I? Not...7:22." I told him. "Why was you so late?" I asked as we walked through the corridor.

"Well...I may have forgot to set an alarm. So I was so kindly woken up by you banging on my door and then I got ready as quick as I could." He explained with a sheepish grin.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I was more focused on the fact it sounded like you was about to kill me."

"Maybe I am. Maybe that's the real reason I'm here." I shrugged, walking out of the door into the crisp air of Spring.

"I could imagine you as an assassin." He laughed as we both began stretching.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just like...You'd be all cute and friendly, and then as soon as you was close...Bang!" He explained, accompanying his last word with some form of karate chop.

I shook my head, dissolving into a fit of giggles, his laughter mixing with my own. " my research shows there's a park a mile up the road, I thought a couple of laps around there and then walk back to cool down?"

An hour later, lots of sweat and a shirtless Daniel, we had finished our laps of the park.

"Jesus woman.." Daniel panted, hands resting on his knees as he breathed heavily. "I knew you were trying to kill me."

"The last lap was purely so you wouldn't leave me stranded in the corridor again, for twenty-two minutes." I told him, my own heart rate slowing down. No thanks to the shirtless Aussie in front of me though.

"You can't do that!" He whined, standing back up properly.

"Fight me." I muttered, re-doing the bun my hair was in.

"I would, but I'd probably beat you in that as well." He smirked.

"Please," I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest. "What makes you think you'd beat me?"

"Like I said yesterday, I'm just naturally good at everything."

"C'mon then. You. Me. Fight, now." I told him, unzipping my jacket and throwing it down on the floor where his t-shirt was, leaving me in my sports bra.

I bit my bottom lip, trying not to notice the way Daniel's eyes flicked down. "Come on." I pressured him on, hands clenched in fists in my defensive stance.

"Are you sure about this?" Daniel raised his eyebrows, eyes meeting mine.

"As long as you don't get hurt, it doesn't matter. Besides, you're supposed to be good at reacting, so you shouldn't actually get hurt but what about no contact? Will that make it better for you, first one to pin the other down wins." I explained. We stood in silence for a moment, Daniel thinking, about God knows what, so I took my opportunity.

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