Turn Away Like You Hate Me

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It took just under an hour for Dan to lure me out of bedroom, and even then I had only managed to open the door for him to drag me into his tight embrace, rocking me back and forth as though I was a small child in need of comfort. Which I was. Minus the small child part.

Even though sometimes I felt like a small child.

And I sure as hell acted like one sometimes.

"I don't know what to do..." I whispered to him brokenly as I clung to him as though he was my life support.

"I've got you, it's okay."

And with those words, I let him walk me back to wherever my mother was.

Turns, out, she was in the kitchen, drinking out the mug that I'd claim to be my own while I stayed here.

Just another reason to want her gone.

Be civil. C'mon Lex. She is your mother at the end of the day.

"Mother." I nodded respectfully at her, as I let go of Daniel, and slid into the chair opposite her.

"Alexia, my sweet beautiful baby girl-"

"No. Cut the crap mum. Why and how are you here?" I demanded, wiping my eyes and taking deep breaths in order to calm down and not become hysteric again.


"No!" I shouted at her, emphasising my shout by banging my fist on the table in front of me, making both herself and Daniel jump.

"Okay, okay. I heard-heard from your dad that you were here in Monaco for the summer, with D-Daniel..."



He knew she was alive all this time? He put me through all that he did during my childhood for a lie?

He lied to me.

"This was a bad idea. I-I can't, I need to get o-out." My breathing stuttered as I gasped trying to get out of the chair.

"Lex." Daniel tried to speak calmly to me but I couldn't listen. I just needed out, I couldn't do this. My family had lied to me all my life. I didn't want the truth. I just wanted to stop this horrible, crushing feeling inside of me.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think.

Just get away. Leave and don't look back. You don't need them. You were fine on your own before, you will be now.

The devil on my shoulder spoke to me.

And after trying to fight it for so long, I stopped.

And I listened.

I ran for the front door this time. I was done. I couldn't take any more of this. I needed to go back to how it was before.

Earlier, I thought maybe just before my mother had turned up, when Dan and myself were happy.

Maybe I'd got it wrong though. Maybe I needed to go back to before Daniel.

Maybe that was what was best.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and shoes that were by the door and left Daniel's apartment, heading to the one place I was quick to discover over my short stay during the summer in Monaco. A quiet, secluded, cliff face.

I just needed to get away.

And as I stumbled down the road, putting on my jacket and shoes as I made my way towards the cliff. But in amongst my crying and the sound of my own heart beating inside my ears, I didn't hear the door open and slam shut.

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