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Dedication to __highflying for her new sequel, Connected, which I'm super super excited for, you have no idea!

Race day. Probably one of the most nerve-wracking days for me, and I wasn't even doing anything except sitting in the garage, watching. What I was worried about was the man asleep next to me.

Don't get me wrong, there wasn't anything specific about the Chinese circuit that made me worried, it was the same for the previous two races, and the future seventeen that were to come, including the one later today.

Dan tells me not to worry, how he knows I have no idea, but what else was I supposed to do? Sure, I had total faith in Daniel, and his ability within the car (even though the car itself wasn't that reliable), but nobody knew what could happen.

Maybe this is why my dad wanted me to stop street-racing. Because of how nervous it made him feel, alongside all the worry.

"I can hear you thinking even when I'm asleep." Dan mumbled against my neck as he wrapped his arm around my waist tighter, pulling me closer against him. "What's up?"

"Mhm, nothing, just thinking." I mumbled, running my fingertips up and down his arm absentmindedly.

"About?" He asked quietly, taking my hand in his and tangling our fingers together.

"The race."

"Hopefully it'll be good...well, mid-field anyway." He shuffled around, leaning over me. "But you don't need to worry about it, okay.?" He smiled down at me, brushing his fingertips through my hair.

"Okay," I murmured, leaning up and pressing my lips to his. He kissed me back gently, our lips moving together firm but slow. As nice as those kisses which were quick, hot and heavy, where the lust took over one of or both of us, these kisses were my favourite. The lazy kisses where we'd both take our time, moving our lips against one another's with no care in the world, like we could spend the rest of our lives just kissing in bed together.

However, duty calls. Our lips pulled apart as the screeching of the alarm clock filled the room and our ears.

"Race day." Dan smiled, pressing a final kiss to the centre of my forehead before he climbed out of bed and towards the shower.

One of the only positives about having one shower - I got an extra ten minutes in bed.

Listening to Dan's singing.


Here we go. Race time. Lewis was on pole (which was expected by now). I looked around the garage, everyone was sat, waiting, watching, as the lights slowly ticked on. My eyes glued to Daniel's car as the lights went out, hoping for him to have a good start from back in 7th position.

However, after hitting anti-stall, he had dropped down to what appeared nearly to be the back of the grid, just in front of the Manor Marussia duo.

Lap 10 soon came around quickly, Dan managing to fight his way up three places into 14th, which soon turned into 13th place as Hulkenburg pulled over into the grass with a gear box problem.

By lap 31, my nerves had simmered down. That, or I had just got used to the nervous butterflies settling in my stomach. Dan was now up into 11th place, one place out of the points, his teammates engine blowing a few laps earlier.

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