Chapter 30

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Since the boys haven't given us a key to get into their hotel room, all six of us are sitting outside their door in the hallway waiting for them to appear. It's been almost an enitre hour since we left their concert. They are probably busy meeting some fans or getting savagely ripped apart by them. At this point I am seriously considering doing that to them myself.

"You're thinking about killing them right?" Eilidh asks from beside me on the floor.

"Very slowly and painfully," I mutter, almost falling asleep against their hotel room door. Eilidh gives me a small laugh and then everyone falls silent. I close my eyes, giving into the urge to sleep.

"Right girls, get up we're going out," a voice says rather loudly, startling me and causing me to bang my head against the door. I look up to see Harry smirking at me, obviously pleased with himself that he managed to cause me pain.

"Where are we going?" Natasha asks suddenly full of energy.

"We're going clubbing," Harry replies back enthusiastically.

I  can tell that Eilidh's ears perk up at this news, she is always one for a party. But me? I'm crying inside. I'm not much of a partier and I don't socialise well with people. I also don't drink a lot and am almost always the only one sober on nights out with my friends. I don't tell them this though, I'm certainly not going to turn down the oppurtunity to go clubbing with One Direction. Maybe this time will be more fun, maybe I'll loosen up a bit.

"Sounds great let's go," Eilidh says and immediately starts walking down the hall and round the corner out of sight.

"You heard the girl, get moving," Harry says, waving us all on ahead, pushing me forwards. I slap his hand away and give him a glare to which he just smirks at.


I have no idea where we're going but we are currently in the boys' limo on our way to a club which they refuse to tell us the name of. To pass time we're playing 'would you rather'.

"Niall, would you rather live one day without any sort of food or be bald for the rest of your life?" I ask, stifling a laugh as his face changes to a pained expression.

"You can't ask me to choose between them! You know how much I love food, but I would look horrible without hair!" he almost shouts at me and everyone bursts out laughing.

I punch his shoulder lightly and say, "You would not look horrible Niall. I think a little bald Niall would be adorable."

His cheeks turn a light shade of red and I'm about to comment when Eilidh clears her throat beside me. I turn my head to look at her and she mouths to me 'check your phone'. So I do and see that I have a text from her.

You can't lead him on like this. If you like him then tell him, if you don't then let him down gently. This isn't fair on Nathan either. You have to tell one of them. xx

Sighing, I realise she's right. I know now that I do feel something for Niall, but I also really like Nathan.But I'm just going to forget about my little dilema for now and focus on having fun tonight. I will make my decision tomorrow. With a jolt of sadness I realise that tomorrow is our last day with the boys, meaning my last day with Niall. If I'm going to make any sort of decision it definitely has to be tomorrow.

The limo finally stops and I peer tentatively out of the window, anxious to see where they have taken us, hoping it's going to be some club full of well known celebrities that we can party with. It would be a serious understatement to say that I am disappointed. To be honest it doesn't even look lie a club. The place looks deserted and I can't hear any music whatsoever playing.

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