Your New Home

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Y/n's POV

You stepped into the limousine that your stepdad had prepared for you. ''Wow! Isn't this glamorous, y/n!'' My mom sighed, and you kept silent, staring out the window. You didn't want your mom marrying another man than your father, who had unfortunately died in a car accident.

You and mom were moving to ChongQing to live with your stepdad and his daughter. You have seen your stepdad before, he was nice and kind, but that didn't make you like him. Not at all.

After a while, you were facing a huge mansion that was supposed to be your home. But it didn't feel as warm as it should be.

''Welcome Liza! Welcome y/n!'' Your stepdad was standing at the door, beaming brightly and waving. Beside him was a teenage girl who looked about your age, glaring at you and your mom.

''Lena, show y/n to her room.'' Said stepdad as he and your mom hugged. ''Hi Lena, my name is y/n. Nice to meet you.'' You said, sticking your hand out for a handshake. But Lena only gave you a cold stare. ''As if I care. Your room's this way, up the stairs.'' She pointed upwards. ''Thanks.'' You mumbled, though you were frustrated. With that, Lena left you alone.

You started unpacking once you entered your spacious room. It was filled with expensive decorations and all the things you once wished to have, but now, it seemed hollow and empty. As you were hanging your clothes on the closet, a necklace fell to the floor. You immediately picked it up. There was a heart in the middle of the necklace, a heart with a keyhole in the middle.

You stopped hanging the clothes and clinlmbed onto the bed. You clutched the necklace tightly in your hand, and with tears welling up, you recalled your best childhood friend, who had also broken your heart for the very first time.

*flashback starts*
You were four and he was five. You two were chasing each other around the park. Your legs were shorter and you run slower than him. He finally caught up with you. Panting hard, the two of you walked, hand in hand to a short tree. He climbed up skillfully to the thickest and lowest branch, found the string hidden there, and let it down. You held the string tightly as he pulled with all his might. And then you were sitting next to him, your head leaning against his chest as always, his arm around your waist, both of you sighing happily looking at the park from above. But then you sensed that something was wrong with him today. He wasn't speaking much, and you noticed his face was paler than usual, his eyes troubled.

''Is something wrong, Karry? You don't look well...'' Karry looked at you in the eye, and said sadly, ''I'm going on a trip tomorrow. I won't be able to see you.''

''Its okay, you'll see me when you come back.'' You hugged him tightly, and he smiled, even though being his best friend for so long, you know the smile was fake. ''Thank you.'' You two leaned onto each other in silence.

It was past sunset, and you knew you had to go home. ''I need to go now, Karry, my mom will be waiting for me...'' ''Don't go!'' Karry suddenly shouted, squeezing your hand hard. ''What's wrong Karry?'' You looked at him with worry. ''Its just that, I bought this for you.'' He took out a necklace with a heart in the middle. There was a keyhole in the middle of the heart. ''Oh its so pretty! Thank you Karry!'' He fastened the necklace around your neck. ''But what's that hole in the middle?'' You asked, and he held out another necklace, with a key in the middle. ''I got the key to your heart!'' He announced triumphantly, and inserted the key into my necklace. It fitted perfectly. Satisfied, he tied that key necklace around his neck. ''I'm going to wear this every single day!'' You squealed happily, fingering with my heart necklace. ''Thank you Karry.'' For the first time in four years, you gathered up the courage and kissed him on the lips. His lips were surprisingly soft. When you pulled away, he whispered. ''I... I love you, y/n and I'll never forget you.'' You thought he was joking and replied, ''I love you too Karry, and I'll never ever forget you.'' He blushed and you hugged him once more. ''See you soon Karry!'' You yelled as you climbed down the tree and ran for home. ''See you!'' Karry shouted back, but there was a tingle of sadness in his voice.

''Mom! Look! Karry gave me a...'' you yelled as you burst into the house. But when you saw your mother, she was crying. ''Y/n... oh y/n... '' she sobbed as she pulled you into her arms. ''What's wrong mommy? Why are you crying? And where's daddy?'' You asked, frowning, as you hugged your mom tightly.

''Your dad... He's... gone forever...'' your mom said as she hugged you closer, bursting into tears. ''What do you mean? He's gone? No way! He must be hiding somewhere... Where are you dad? Come out come out!'' You guessed what your mother meant, and you desperately hoped it wasn't true.

''Listen to me y/n...'' your mother said as you slowly stared at her tearstreaked face. ''Your father... He's... dead.''

*end of flashback*


Thanks for reading... I know it's quite boring... I'll try my best :D

Sorry for any typos and if you spot them, please pm me to let me know :)

And feel free to pm me if you have any ideas for the upcoming chapters...

Thanks. Hope you like this chapter. I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Kerry ^^

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