I'll make you Love me

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Y/n's POV

You woke up inside a comfortable duvet. You thought for a minute and all the memories came rushing back to you. You jumped up when you recalled yourself snuggled up in Xiao Kai's arms, sobbing and trembling from the thunder. Where's Xiao Kai now? You wondered, you climbed out of your bed. You felt something in your hand. It was the necklace. I must have took it out during the thunder. You put it inside your school bed and headed for the bathroom.

''Morning y/n... Are you feeling better now? We took turns taking care of you last night until Xiao Kai said you were fast asleep.'' Wang Yuan said cheerfully. He had already changed, and with a can of Fanta in his hand. ''Yeah I can walk more normally now and the swelling is almost all gone.'' You grinned, sticking up my foot for him to see and he smacked it playfully, looking amused. ''Use the new toothbrush there. I prepared that for you. And you can use my cup, its the pink one.'' Wang Yuan said, pointing to a brand new toothbrush and next to it, a pink cup. ''Thanks,'' you giggled, ''I never knew you liked pink.'' He gave you a wink and ran off. ''Come down for breakfast when you finish washing up, y/n!''

You didn't have clothes to change so you continued to use Xiao Kai's shirt. You walked downstairs and saw Wang Yuan playing with his phone, his mouth stuffed full of noodles. "Hi y/n do yoo wont shome inshtant noodles?" (Hi y/n do you want some instant noodles?) He asked, swallowing the noodles, and you laughed. "Sure I'll make it myself. By the way where's Xiao Kai and Qian Xi?" ''Both sleeping. I've called Qian Xi so many times and he still refused to get up. And well Xiao Kai looks so sleepy I don't dare bother him. He must have slept late last night.'' You blushed, remembering what happened. ''Shall I go call them up?'' Wang Yuan nodded. ''Yeah sure. I'll go for Qian Xi as I know how to deal with him.'' Wang Yuan showed a smirk and I laughed. Probably something related to holding Rilakumas as hostage. ''I'll go call up Xiao Kai.''

You entered Xiao Kai's room and turned on the lights. His room was so tidy, the exact opposite of Wang Yuan's. Xiao Kai was on the bed, sleeping soundly. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. You thought but quickly stopped yourself. You surveyed the room and saw a baby photo of Xiao Kai on the table. You were about to go and pick it up when Xiao Kai suddenly suddenly sat up. ''Good morning y/n.'' He said, rubbing his eyes. ''Morning Xiao Kai, I thought Wang Yuan said waking you up was a hard job.'' You teased, and the corner of his lips pulled up to form a smile. ''Come on.'' He said to you, patting the space next to him on the bed. Hesitantly, you sat next to him.

''Tell me, y/n, do you like me?'' He suddenly asked, surprising you. ''I...'' Before you could answer, he tilted your head up with a finger and kissed you on the lips.

Wang Yuan's POV

''Here goes Rilakuma number one, and there goes Rilakuma number two...'' I said as I picked them up from the table and threw them at Qian Xi, who was covering his head with a bkanket to block out the light and noise. ''Okay stop! I'll just get up, okay?'' I smiled triumphantly as he moodily picked up the two Rilakumas and placed them neatly on the table. I snickered and followed him out of the room. I was walking past Xiao Kai's room. I wonder how y/n's doing... I peeked in and saw the most dreadful sight ever.

Y/n' POV

You pulled away first. ''What was that for?'' You teased him, but he didn't smile. ''Answer my question y/n... Do you like me?'' ''I...'' ''You don't, do you? You just see me as a friend...'' Xiao Kai said, before you could answer. ''But don't worry. One day, I'll make you fall in love with me.'' Xiao Kai said, leaning close to you. You didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do.

Xiao Kai got up and headed for the bathroom, and you hastily scrambled after him, replying what had happened over and over in your head.

You didn't realise you were that hungry until you started eating. ''You look like you haven't eaten for a centruy!'' Wang Yuan said, laughing, making you smile. ''Do you need any drinks? We got a year's worth of Fanta in the fridge.'' You nodded. You saw their Fanta advertisement on the TV yesterday, and the three of them had showed you the behind the scenes, making you double over with laughter.

''Which flavour do you want? Melon, orange, peach or grape?'' He shouted from the kitchen. You felt everyone's eyes on you. They represent different flavours in the advertisement, you recalled. But you couldn't remember them. ''Uh... Grape please.'' You said and Wang Yuan cheered. ''Yay here's your Fanta and you can see my face on it haha!'' He said so energetically that you burst out laughing, followed by Qian Xi and Wang Yuan himself. When you opened the can, the grape juice burst out, surprising you. ''Argh!'' You screamed. With grape juice all over the table, you mock glared at Wang Yuan, who was trying to stifle his laughter. ''You are so dead.'' You smirked and started chasing him around the house, with him laughing his head off at your weird scream.

Karry's POV

My heart dropped when she chose grape flavour. Its just some soda, I told myself. I stared at y/n across the table. She's y/n... the girl I was in love with, since I was young. She was the reason I never dated another girl. But she doesn't remember me, and sees me only as her friend. I thought sadly. But I will make her remember me. And see me much more thsn just a normal friend. Yes, I will.



I can't believe this story has reached 200 reads already! Thanks soooooo much for your votes, reads and comments! Love y'all so much!

I hope this chapter isn't lame... and hope you'll enjoy it and read on! ;)

Kerry ^^

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