The Necklace

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Y/n's POV

You walked out of the bathroom, wearing a shirt that was a size too large, which was even covering your shorts.

''Uh Xiao Kai where'd you find that towel for drying your hair?'' You said, walking into the gaming room, where the three boys had abandoned their video games and were lying on the sofa using their phones. ''You could use mine.'' He said, looking up from his phone and throwing a towel to you. ''Thanks.'' You grinned. ''And who's gonna take bath after me?'' ''Me! I'll go after y/n!'' Said Wang Yuan, leaping out of the sofa enthusiastically, making you laugh. You took his place between Xiao Kai and Qian Xi. ''That's funny of Wang Yuan, he hates bathing.'' Qian Xi muttered. You looked at Xiao Kai but he remained expressionless.

''Hey Y/n is this yours?'' Wang Yuan shouted when he finally finished bathing. He ran into the gaming room where you and the other two were lying lazily on the sofa. You looked up and saw him holding out a heart-shaped necklace. You had put it into your school skirt this morning and only took it out before bathing. You must have forgotten to take it just now. ''Oh yes.'' You snatched it from him quickly and pocketed it in your shorts. ''What necklace?'' Xiao Kai asked warily, turning off his phone. Hesistantly, you showed him the necklace. ''Its so pretty, where did you get it y/n? Who gave it to you?'' Wang Yuan asked, and you shrugged. ''Just from an accessory store... ''

Karry's POV

Y/n handed me the necklace. ''Just got it from an accessory store...'' she said, but I frowned. I once bought one for my first crush in Singapore... She's from Singapore too... could it really be her? I examined the necklace once more. But before I got the chance, y/n took it from me. ''Thank you so much for finding it... I'd rather die than lose it...''

''Then you'd better keep it nicely.'' Wang Yuan said, his tone teasing. ''I might not help you every single time.''

''Yes sir.'' Y/n replied, suddenly tackling Wang Yuan to the floor. She tickled him until he screamed and begged for mercy. Qian Xi went to tickle him too, as a revenge for throwing his Rilakumas to the floor.

But I stayed on the sofa, wondering why I was feeling angry, and a bit of jealousy.

Y/n's POV

The four of you decided to play truth or dare. You were a bit surprised when Wang Yuan suggested this game, but you accepted the challenge. Wang Yuan took out a spinwheel (I forgot the actual name sorry) with different Dares on it. ''Wow that's so cool you actually have a wheel like this...'' you said and Wang Yuan puffed out his chest proudly. ''I made it!''

Qian Xi went first. He chose truth and you asked. ''Do you like Amanda?'' He hesitated, and whispered. ''A little. Only a little.'' He snapped when Wang Yuan started making kiss noises. You and Xiao Kai laughed when Wang Yuan got tickled again. It was Wang Yuan's turn. He chose dare. ''I'll spin the wheel and... oh.'' The wheel said 'kiss someone'. ''Lucky I get to choose who I kiss...'' he smirked and leaned over to you. He kissed you lightly on the forehead, blushing and quickly sitting back down. You smiled at him but felt Xiao Kai's stare on you. Xiao Kai chose dare. He spinned the wheel and landed on saying I love you to someone. ''Say it to me say it to me!'' Wang Yuan said, laughing. But Xiao Kai turned to face you. ''I love you y/n.'' He said, looking you into the eye.

You didn't know what happened but a million wheels were turning in your brain. ''I love you, y/n.'' Karry said.

And then, everything went black.

Karry's POV

''I love you, y/n.'' I stared deep into her hazy brown eyes. She stoppes and blinked for a moment. Then she clutched her head and groaned. ''No...'' she murmured, and went limp. ''Y/n!'' I caught her before her head could hit the ground. She's still breathing. I sighed in relief. ''What happened?'' Wang Yuan asked, looking worried. ''She isn't dead, is she?'' ''No of course not, I think she has fainted. I checked her pulse and its regular. She should be alright.'' I told Wang Yuan, and he relaxed a little. ''So what now?'' Qian Xi asked. ''I'll bring her up to her room.'' I replied and carried her up the stairs before anyone could say another word.

I gently placed her onto the bed, not daring to shove her into the duvet. I slowly took off her slippers and pulled down the curtains. I turned off the lights and was about to leave when I saw something shimmering in the dark next to y/n on the bed. I picked it up. It was the heart-shaped necklace. I glanced at y/n, who was still unconscious on the bed, and slowly slipped the necklace into my pocket.

I ran down the stairs. Qian Xi and Wang Yuan were watching the television, which was showing the serious flooding in some places in China. ''How's y/n?'' Wang Yuan asked immediately. ''Sound asleep on her bed.'' Wang Yuan nodded and turned back to the TV. ''There's gonna be a thunderstorm coming.'' Said Qian Xi, and Wang Yuan squealed. ''So are we gonna play whole night like we did last time again?'' He looked at us with excitement in his eyes. ''Nope.'' I replied. ''This time we got something more important to do. We're gonna take turns watching y/n.''

Y/n's POV

You woke to the sound of rain falling hard on the window. You felt something resting on your hand. You pulled out your hand and the thing moved. ''You awake?'' It was Xiao Kai, rubbing his eyes.

''Uh yeah. Did I just faint? I'm so sorry... you should go back to your room and get some sleep.'' You told him. ''Are you sure you are okay?'' He asked. You were about to answer when you heard a loud BOOM from outside the window, and then a flash of light. You screamed, and covered you ears with your hands, huddled at the corner of your bed.

Karry's POV

She's scared of thunder, I realised. She had suddenly screamed, shocking me and pulled her knees to her chest and her hands to her ears, crying silently in the corner of her bed. Just like the other y/n.

I climbed over to her side of the bed and pulled her into me. To my surprise, she let me cuddle her from the back, whispering into her ear. ''It's okay... its okay...'' she had stopped screaming but was still trembling and crying. She clutched my arm tightly and buried her head into my chest.

After a while, she stopped sobbing. And trembling. I looked down and saw that she was already fast asleep.

I wanted badly to sleep there, with y/n hugged safely in my arms. However, I had something more important to do. I tucked y/n to her bed and closed the door behind me.

I slowly trudged to my room, the wheels in my mind turning as I recalled the other y/n. It was y/n's first sleepover at my house. I was very excited. But then, the sky turned grey and huge raindrops started falling down. ''Its raining, y/n!'' I exclaimed, closing the window in my room. Y/n was sitting on the floor, looking worried. ''Karry... I'm... I'm scared of thunder...'' I turned to look at y/n. As if on cue, the thunder started. Y/n looked at me in terror, screamed and ran to the corner of my room, sobbing and falling onto her knees. I ran over to her, hugging her and patting her back soothingly. ''Don't worry y/n. I'll protect you...'' I murmured into her ear, and she gave a little nod.

I had finally reached my room. I quickly reaches under my bed until I touched a brown leather box. Inside stacked at least fifty letters. But I emptied out the box, and at last, a necklace with a key fell onto the floor.

I picked up the key necklace, and took out the heart necklace in my pocket. With trembling fingers, I pushed the key through the heart.

It fitted perfectly.

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