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Okay so apparently this story reached 2k reads quicker than I ever expected... THANKS SOOO MUCH GUYSS

Uh... so here's the sequel...

Y/n's POV

You were sitting with Karry on his bed. You just got there from the hospital and Karry insisted you stay because he still had so much to show you.

''Here...'' he said, opening the box that he had kept the key-shaped necklace (which was now hanging on his neck). He dumped the pile of letters out. ''Those letters were supposed to be mailed to you,'' he explained, ''but I never had the chance...'' he was getting a bit teary so you kissed him gently on the cheek.

''It's okay I'm reading them now anyways.'' You said and he gave a small smile.

''Thats the first one...''

He handed you a sheet of paper that was thin and yellowish. He looked at you expectantly and you started to read. You recognised his scrawny hanwriting almost instantly. But glancing at the date sent your heart racing. It was the date he was supposed to come home.

Dear y/n,

I'm so sorry that I lied to you, I'm really really sorry...

I knew I wasn't going to go back anymore, and at first I wanted to tell you that but I... I just couldn't bring myself to say it. I just couldn't tell you that I was leaving for ChongQing to study and am never going to come back. But there is one thing I want to tell you: I love you, y/n, and I always will. I won't forget you even wherever I am, I promise.

That's why I left you the necklace, as a reminder of me. Please don't cry, because I don't ever want to see you sad or anything, and I know we will meet again one day, I just know it.


You looked up from the letter and stared at him, speechless. Were you supposed to be mad af him for lying, or hug him and tell him that yes, you two have met again...

''I never had the chance to send the letter.'' He told you gloomily. ''Or the other ones...'' he said, handing you another huge stack.

But to his horror, you flung them across the room.

''Who cares about the past when you're with me now?'' You said, leaning your head onto his chest and you felt him soften.

Storking your hair gently, he whispered into your ear. ''I love you, y/n...''

''Argh that's TICKLISH!'' you screamed, squirming under him and he laughed. You jumped up and ran out of the room before he could grasp you tightly, laughing and yelling ''Catch me if you can and I'll give you a bear hug!''

''If I catch you you're gonna give me a kiss!'' He yelled, and the chase started.

Oh well, how the chasing ended, I'll leave that to the reader's vivid imagination... *smirksmirk*

((Just don't come searching for me tonight with an axe in your hand *screaming my head off*

~ The End ~

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