Salad dressings and food fights

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Karry's POV


Wang Yuan grinned triumphantly at me as he held hands with y/n, who was also smiling happily. I tried not to glare as I made lunch. After a while, Wang Yuan went to the gaming room with Qian Xi and left y/n in the dining room, texting with her phone.

I was chopping some cucumbers while thinking about y/n and Wang Yuan going on dates. ''Ouch!'' You felt a sharp pain on your finger. You looked down and realised that you had accidentally cut it. It was bleeding nonstop.

''Anything wrong?'' Y/n was at the kitchen door. She must have heard me scream. How embarrassing. I felt myself heat up as I answered her. ''Nothing much really. Sorry for disturbing...'' ''Oh your finger! Wang Jun Kai how can you be so careless? Ugh boys! Wait... I learned first aid before.'' She huffed and found the first aid box in the kitchen. When she still saw me standing there, she sighed and pulled my other hand, leading me to the sofa.

''Ouch that must have hurt... How do you even cut cucumbers? Or were you trying to self suicide?'' Y/n muttered, and I laughed. ''What? Lucky I got you here or else you could have bled to death.'' She snapped. You looked down at your finger. Indeed the cut was quite deep. ''Now I'm gonna wash the cut just...'' ''Argh!'' I screamed. ''Ooops... sorry.'' She smiled. She took out a roll of bandage and started wrapping it around my finger. ''How am I gonna make lunch with such a big finger?'' I moaned, and she looked up, grinning mischievously. ''I'm gonna help you, and you'd better appreciate it.''

Y/n's POV

Xiao Kai led me back to the kitchen, where everything was neat and ready. ''Can you help me finish cutting the cucumbers? And then the tomatoes and...'' you cut Xiao Kai off. ''Okay chef wait... Lemme just get over the cucmbers...'' Xiao Kai watched as I awkwardly chopped the cucumber. ''Not like this!'' He sighed and leaned in closer. He held your hand and helped you slice a piece of cucumber. ''Get it?'' ''Uh... Yeah.'' Why is my face reddening? What is happening to me?

Karry's POV

I taught y/n how to cut cucumbers correctly. Aren't she clumsy, I thought as I watched her affectionately. She turned and caught me staring. ''What? Am I cutting it wrongly again?'' ''Nope.'' I replied, turning away before she could ask anything else.

I was checking my weibo when she suddenly asked. ''Er Xiao Kai what happens after cutting cucumbers and tomatoes?'' ''Wash the lettuce.'' I said without looking up. ''Okay. I shouldn't have volunteered.'' Muttered y/n under her breath and you walked over to her. ''Are you going to let me, a patient, do all these hard work?'' I teased her, leaning in close. She pouted and said, ''Just don't blame me when you have a stomachache. The food ain't gonna be that clean...'' she wagged her finger at me and I tickled her. She started giggling hysterically and squirming under my grasp. She threw the lettuce at me and I dodged, laughing. ''Don't play with food!'' I taunted her, and she laughed, trying to wriggle out of my arms. I picked up the lettuce and she took the chance to escape. She shook free and pushed me against the fridge, holding a bottle of salad dressing. ''I really want to draw on your face...'' she gave an evil grin, leaning so close that her face was less than 5cm away. Before I could react, she splatted some dressing on my face.

''Y/n!'' I growled and she screamed, squirting more salad dressing at me while I dodged. I grabbed a ketchup bottle off the kitchen table and the battle began.

Wang Yuan's POV

I won in every video game and was starting to feel hungry. I wonder if Xiao Kai is going to make lunch for us after the argument, I thought to myself and walked to the kitchen. I could have heard the laughter a mile away. I crept closer, and saw them chasing each other around the kitchen, squirting ketchup and salad dressings at each other. What happened to the Xiao Kai who wouldn't even let me touch his hair? I walked up to them and asked as innocent as possible. ''When's lunch ready?'' They stopped and looked at each other, with sauce streaked all over them. ''Soon enough.'' Xiao Kai uttered, and they shared a quick smile that made me tighten my hands into fists. ''Okay then I'll wait outside.'' Giving one last hands-off-my-girlfriend glare at Xiao Kai, I turned and headed for the dining table.

Y/n's POV

We made the sandwiches at record speed, which was in about ten minutes. ''Sorry for ruining your shirt...'' you told Karry, and he shrugged. ''Its okay... But I don't feel sorry for ruining your hair anyway...'' you gave him a pout and one last smack on the arm before turning back to washing the ham and lettuce, which had remained untouched since the 'battle' began.

You dished out the sandwiches. ''Oh sandwiches made by my girlfriend! They must taste delicious!'' Wang Yuan said, clapping his hands together. You laughed. ''Don't get your expectations too high, you might even get food poison after that...'' You sat next to Wang Yuan.

''In fantasies the girlfriend feeds the boyfriend.'' Wang Yuan said, and you pouted. ''Here,'' you said, shoving a sandwich into his mouth, almost choking him. The other two laughed. ''I'm not a fantasy, I'm real.'' Wang Yuan still looked hurt. ''Okay I'm sorry boyfriend.'' You said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He instantly brightened. ''Yes I accept your apology!'' He squealed and kissed you on the lips. Surprisingly, you didn't feel anything. No electricity surging through your body, as books always said when your crush kissed you. You just laughed and continued bickering about with him. ''You just ruined our first kiss... You know...'' you pouted. ''Haha I can give you loads more if you want.'' He smirked and you pretended to look disgusted, making him laugh.

''Will you two hurry up I need to wash the dishes later. Plus clean up the kitchen.'' Xiao Kai snapped, making the two of you look up. ''Sorry...'' you said, feeling bad for no reason.



Hello guys... Hope you all enjoyed the chapter :)

And thanks for your votes and comments... They really make me more motivated haha



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