Bringing Back Memories

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Karry's POV

She doesn't remember anyone, I realised. Wang Yuan looked devastated and Auntie Liza looked so crumbled that she could have been the one fainted on the hospital bed. ''Karry?'' Y/n suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts. ''You... you remember him y/n?'' Amanda said, surprised. ''Um... I don't know why but the name just popped up.''

''Can you try looking at that woman next to you and think hard... and say your thoughts out loud.'' Amanda said, pointing to Auntie Liza who loooked once a again hopeful. Y/n stared at her mother closely, and I could feel her urge to find the missing pieces in her brain. But finally she sighed and said, ''Sorry nothing came up.''

An old doctor suddenly opened the door, diverting our attentions. ''This lady told me she's awake.'' The doctor said cheerfully, nodding at Amanda. ''How are you feeling y/n? Better? Refreshed?''

''Um... am I called y/n?'' Y/n said, and the doctor frowned. ''Does she remember you?'' He asked Auntie Liza, who was on the verge of crying. She shook her head. ''Does she remember any of you?'' The doctor asked, with y/n looking curiously at us.

''She only remembers Karry.'' Amanda said.

The doctor turned to me. ''Karry eh? I've heard of your name before... Aren't you a member of that famous band... Tfboys or something? Why would y/n remember you? Are you her favourite idol or maybe... her boyfriend?''

''I'm her boyfriend!'' Wang Yuan shouted, pouting. ''Calm down boys...'' said the doctor, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. ''Y/n...'' he said turning away from us. ''Do you only remember him?'' He asked, pointing at me.

Y/n stared intently at me. ''I only happen to remember his name..'' she frowned cutely.

Y/n's POV

''Okay y/n I'll ask you a few questions and you answer the first thing that comes up into your mind.'' You nodded.

''What's your name?''

''Y/n isn't it? I heard you all calling me that.''

''How old are you?''

''One year younger than him.'' You said, pointing at the boy you had just called Karry. You gasped in shock. ''Well I don't know... it just came out like that.'' You stuttered, confused. The doctor nodded at you encouragingly.

''Who is your mother?''

''Um...'' you thought hard, but nothing came up. ''I don't know.'' You said glumly.

''You've lost a lot of your memory y/n... does the back of your head still hurt?'' The doctor asked, and you felt your head. As soon as you touched it you felt the sharp pain. ''Ouch!'' You yelled. The doctor nodded. ''Y/n you are going to stay in the hospital and rest until your head stops aching. And please sleep for a while more now you still have a few checkups to do later on...'' he said, ''and will you all please come out? I've got some questions for all of you.''

Karry's POV

''Now I'm afraid y/n has lost almost all of her memory...'' the doctor said, patting Auntie Liza on the shoulder as comfortingly as possible. ''I've met patients like that too and I fear there is only a slight chance that her memory will recover. But there are also ways to bring back her memory.''

''Like what?'' Auntie Liza asked hopefully. ''You could let her see some memorable photos when she was little, I'm sure there must be some special events that has happened that she still remembers vividly, or maybe show her things that she valued very much. Most of the times these things trigger her memory...''

''Oh thank you doctor!'' Auntie Liza gushed. ''I'll bring her photo albums right away!'' She said, and ran to the lift. ''I'll help you Auntie!'' Wang Yuan shouted, following Auntie Liza.

''I'll take her school bag from school!'' Amanda said, brightening up a little. ''I'll go with you.'' Qian Xi quickly jogged after her, and I snickered.

''Now Mr. Karry do you have any idea why y/n can only remember you?''

''Um... maybe...''

''I have noticed that the things y/n remembered just now were all things that are somehow related to you.''

''Uh...'' I said, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

''I'm sure that she sees you as her special friend.'' The doctor's eyes twinkled. ''And I'm sure you've got something really precious, something that is powerful enough to bring back her memories, am I right?''

I thought for a moment and nodded.

''Now go, young man, go and rescue your girl.'' He winked and sent me off to rescue y/n. My y/n.


Eh... I know this chapter is quite short sorry... and for all the typos *sobs*

I'll try my best and thanks for all your support I love you'all

Kerry ^^

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